(a) Application Submission. Once the inducement resolution has been approved by the Board, an Applicant who elects to proceed with submitting a full Application to the Department must submit the complete tax credit Application pursuant to §11.201 of this part (relating to Procedural Requirements for Application Submission). While a Certificate of Reservation is required under §11.201 of this part (relating to Procedural Requirements for Application Submission) prior to submission of the complete tax credit Application, staff may allow the Application to be submitted prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Reservation depending on circumstances associated with the Development Site, structure of the transaction, volume cap environment, or other factors in the Department's sole discretion.
(b) Eligibility Criteria. The Department will evaluate the Application for eligibility and threshold at the time of full Application pursuant to Chapter 11 of this part (relating to Housing Tax Credit Program Qualified Allocation Plan). If there are changes to the Application at any point prior to closing that have an adverse effect on the score and ranking order and that would have resulted in the pre-application being placed below another pre-application in the ranking, the Department may terminate the Application and withdraw the Certificate of Reservation from the Bond Review Board (with the exception of changes to deferred developer's fees and support or opposition points). The Development and the Applicant must satisfy the requirements set forth in Chapter 11 of this part in addition to Tex. Gov't Code, Chapter 1372, the applicable requirements of Tex. Gov't Code Chapter 2306, and the Code. The Applicant will also be required to select a Bond Trustee from the Department's approved list as published on its website.
(c) Bond Documents. Once the Application has been submitted and the Applicant has deposited funds to pay initial costs, the Department's bond counsel shall draft Bond documents.
(d) Public Hearings. The Department will hold a public hearing to receive comments pertaining to the Development and the issuance of the Bonds. A representative of the Applicant or member of the Development Team must be present at the public hearing and will be responsible for conducting a brief presentation on the proposed Development and providing handouts at the hearing that should include at minimum, a description of the Development, maximum rents and income restrictions. If the proposed Development is Rehabilitation, the presentation should include the proposed scope of work that is planned for the Development. The handouts must be submitted to the Department for review at least two days prior to the public hearing. Publication of all notices required for the public hearing shall be at the sole expense of the Applicant, as well as any facility rental fees or required deposits, if applicable.
(e) Approval of the Bonds. Subject to the timely receipt and approval of commitments for financing, an acceptable evaluation for eligibility, financial feasibility, the satisfactory negotiation of Bond documents, and the completion of a public hearing, the Board will consider the approval of the final Bond resolution relating to the issuance, substantially final Bond documents and in the instance of privately placed Bonds, the pricing, terms and interest rate of the Bonds. For Applications that include local funding, Department staff may choose to delay Board consideration of the Bond issuance until such time it has been confirmed that the amount or terms associated with such local funding will not change and remain consistent with what was represented in the Department's underwriting analysis.
(f) Local Permits. Prior to closing on the Bond financing, all necessary approvals, including building permits from local municipalities, counties, or other jurisdictions with authority over the Development Site must have been obtained or evidence that the permits are obtainable subject only to payment of certain fees. In instances where such permits will be not received prior to bond closing, the Department may, on a limited and case-by-case basis allow for the closing to occur, subject to receipt of confirmation, acceptable to the Department, by the lender and/or equity investor that they are comfortable proceeding with closing.
Source Note: The provisions of this §12.7 adopted to be effective November 30, 2023, 48 TexReg 6896