(a) General requirements. This course is recommended for students in Grades 10-12. Prerequisites: Algebra I and Geometry. This course satisfies a high school mathematics graduation requirement. Students shall be awarded one credit for successful completion of this course.
(b) Introduction.
(1) Career and technical education instruction provides content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills for students to further their education and succeed in current or emerging professions.
(2) The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Career Cluster focuses on planning, managing, and providing scientific research and professional and technical services, including laboratory and testing services, and research and development services.
(3) Digital Electronics is the study of electronic circuits that are used to process and control digital signals. In contrast to analog electronics, where information is represented by a continuously varying voltage, digital signals are represented by two discreet voltages or logic levels. This distinction allows for greater signal speed and storage capabilities and has revolutionized the world of electronics. Digital electronics is the foundation of modern electronic devices such as cellular phones, digital audio players, laptop computers, digital cameras, and high-definition televisions. The primary focus of Digital Electronics is to expose students to the design process of combinational and sequential logic design, teamwork, communication methods, engineering standards, and technical documentation.
(4) The mathematical process standards describe ways in which students are expected to engage in the content. The placement of the process standards at the beginning of the knowledge and skills listed for each grade and course is intentional. The process standards weave the other knowledge and skills together so that students may be successful problem solvers and use mathematics efficiently and effectively in daily life. The process standards are integrated at every grade level and course. When possible, students will apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace. Students will use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution. Students will select appropriate tools such as real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology and techniques such as mental math, estimation, and number sense to solve problems. Students will effectively communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple representations such as symbols, diagrams, graphs, and language. Students will use mathematical relationships to generate solutions and make connections and predictions. Students will analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas. Students will display, explain, or justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language in written or oral communication.
(5) Students are encouraged to participate in extended learning experiences such as career and technical student organizations and other leadership or extracurricular organizations.
(6) Statements that contain the word "including" reference content that must be mastered, while those containing the phrase "such as" are intended as possible illustrative examples.
(c) Knowledge and skills.
(1) The student demonstrates professional standards/employability skills as required by business and industry. The student is expected to:
(A) demonstrate knowledge of how to dress appropriately, speak politely, and conduct oneself in a manner appropriate for the profession;
(B) show the ability to cooperate, contribute, and collaborate as a member of a group in an effort to achieve a positive collective outcome;
(C) present written and oral communication in a clear, concise, and effective manner, including explaining and justifying actions;
(D) demonstrate time-management skills in prioritizing tasks, following schedules, and performing goal-relevant activities in a way that produces efficient results; and
(E) demonstrate punctuality, dependability, reliability, and responsibility in performing assigned tasks as directed.
(2) The student uses mathematical processes to acquire and demonstrate mathematical understanding. The student is expected to:
(A) apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace;
(B) use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution;
(C) select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as appropriate, and techniques, including mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to solve problems;
(D) communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple representations, including symbols, diagrams, graphs, and language as appropriate;
(E) create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas;
(F) analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas; and
(G) display, explain, and justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language in written or oral communication.
(3) The student demonstrates the skills necessary for success in a technical career. The student is expected to:
(A) distinguish the differences between an engineering technician, engineering technologist, and engineer;
(B) identify employment and career opportunities;
(C) identify industry certifications;
(D) discuss ethical issues related to engineering and technology and incorporate proper ethics in submitted projects;
(E) identify and demonstrate respect for diversity in the workplace;
(F) identify and demonstrate appropriate actions and identify consequences relating to discrimination, harassment, and inequality;
(G) explore electronics engineering careers and preparation programs;
(H) explore career preparation learning experiences, including job shadowing, mentoring, and apprenticeship training; and
(I) discuss Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) accreditation and implications.
(4) The student participates in team projects in various roles. The student is expected to:
(A) explain the importance of teamwork in the field of electronics;
(B) apply principles of effective problem solving in teams to practice collaboration and conflict resolution; and
(C) demonstrate proper attitudes as a team leader and team member.
(5) The student develops skills for managing a project. The student is expected to:
(A) implement project management methodologies, including initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing a project;
(B) develop a project schedule and complete work according to established criteria;
(C) participate in the organization and operation of a real or simulated engineering project; and
(D) develop a plan for production of an individual product.
(6) The student practices safe and proper work habits. The student is expected to:
(A) master relevant safety tests;
(B) comply with safety guidelines as described in various manuals, instructions, and regulations;
(C) identify governmental and organizational regulations for health and safety in the workplace related to electronics;
(D) identify and classify hazardous materials and wastes according to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations;
(E) dispose of hazardous materials and wastes appropriately;
(F) perform maintenance on selected tools, equipment, and machines;
(G) handle and store tools and materials correctly; and
(H) describe the results of improper maintenance of material, tools, and equipment.
(7) The student explores the fundamentals of analog and digital electronics. The student uses appropriate notation and understands the logic of circuit design and logic gates. The student is expected to:
(A) use scientific notation, engineering notation, and Systems International (SI) notation to conveniently write very large or very small numbers frequently encountered when working with electronics;