(a) Each person licensed to practice podiatric medicine in the State of Texas is required to have 50 hours of continuing medical education (CME) every two years for the renewal of the license to practice podiatric medicine. One hour of training is equal to one hour of CME.
(b) Two hours of the required 50 hours of department approved CME shall be a course, class, seminar, or workshop in: Ethics in the Delivery of Health Care Services and/or Rules and Regulations pertaining to Podiatric Medicine in Texas. Topics on Human Trafficking Prevention, Healthcare Fraud, Professional Boundaries, Practice Risk Management or Podiatric Medicine related Ethics or Jurisprudence courses, Abuse and Misuse of Controlled Substances, Opioid Prescription Practices, and/or Pharmacology, including those sponsored by an entity approved by CPME, APMA, APMA affiliated organizations, AMA, AMA affiliated organizations, or governmental entities, or the entities described in subsections (e) and (f) are acceptable.
(c) Each person initially licensed to practice podiatric medicine in the State of Texas is required to complete two hours of continuing medical education related to approved procedures of prescribing and monitoring controlled substances prior to the first anniversary of date the license was originally issued.
(d) For each person licensed to practice podiatric medicine in the State of Texas whose practice includes prescription or dispensation of opioids shall annually attend at least one hour of continuing medical education covering best practices, alternative treatment options, and multi-modal approaches to pain management that may include physical therapy, psychotherapy, and other treatments.
(e) A licensee shall receive credit for each hour of podiatric medical meetings and training sponsored by APMA, APMA affiliated organizations, TPMA, state, county or regional podiatric medical association podiatric medical meetings, university sponsored podiatric medical meetings, hospital podiatric medical meetings or hospital podiatric medical grand rounds, medical meetings sponsored by the Foot & Ankle Society or the orthopedic community relating to foot care, and others at the discretion of the Board. A practitioner may receive credit for giving a lecture, equal to the credit that a podiatrist attending the lecture obtains.
(f) A licensee shall receive credit for each hour of training for non-podiatric medical sponsored meetings that are relative to podiatric medicine and department approved. The department may assign credit for hospital grand rounds, hospital CME programs, corporate sponsored meetings, and meetings sponsored by the American Medical Association, the orthopedic community, the American Diabetes Association, the Nursing Association, the Physical Therapy Association, and others if approved.
(g) It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to ensure that all CME hours being claimed meet the standards for CME as set by the commission. Practice management, home study and self-study programs will be accepted for CME credit hours only if the provider is approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education. The licensee may obtain up to, but not exceed twenty (20) hours of the aforementioned hours per biennium.
(h) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certification is eligible for up to three (3) hours of CME credit and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) certification for up to six (6) hours of CME credit. Practitioners may only receive credit for one, not both. No on-line CPR certification will be accepted for CME credit.
(i) If a practitioner has an article published in a peer review journal, the practitioner may receive one (1) hour of CME credit for the article, with credit for the article being provided only once, regardless of the number of times or the number of journals in which the article is published.
(j) With the exception of the allowed hours carried forward, the required 50 hours of continuing medical education must be obtained in a 24-month period immediately preceding the date in which the license is to be renewed. The 24-month period will begin on the first full day of the month after the practitioner's date of renewal and end two years later. A licensee who completes more than the required 50 hours during the preceding CME period may carry forward a maximum of ten (10) hours for the next renewal CME period.
(k) The department shall employ an audit system for continuing education reporting. The license holder shall be responsible for maintaining a record of his or her continuing education experiences. The certificates or other documentation verifying earning of continuing education hours are not to be forwarded to the department at the time of renewal unless the license holder has been selected for audit.
(l) The audit process shall be as follows:
(1) The department shall select for audit a random sample of license holders to ensure compliance with CME hours.
(2) If selected for an audit, the license holder shall submit copies of certificates, transcripts or other documentation satisfactory to the department, verifying the license holder's attendance, participation and completion of the continuing education.
(3) Failure to timely furnish this information within thirty (30) calendar days or providing false information during the audit process or the renewal process are grounds for disciplinary action against the license holder.
(4) If selected for continuing education audit during the renewal period, the license holder may renew and pay renewal fees.
(m) Licensees that are deficient in CME hours must complete all deficient CME hours and current biennium CME requirement in order to maintain licensure.
(n) Continuing education obtained as a part of a disciplinary action is not acceptable credit towards the total of fifty (50) hours required every two years.
(o) The 85th Texas Legislature enacted changes to Chapter 202, Occupations Code, providing the commission with authority to establish a one or two-year license term for licensees. See H.B. 3078, 85th Legislature, Regular Session (2017). The purpose of this transition rule is to provide guidance on how continuing medical education will be assessed when transitioning from a one to two-year license term. This rule applies only to licensees renewing on or after September 1, 2019. Beginning September 1, 2019, the department shall stagger the continuing medical education biennium of licenses as follows. Licensees renewing in an odd numbered year are to obtain 50 hours of CME for a 24-month period between 2019 and 2021; and for every 2-years thereafter in between renewal dates. Licensees renewing in an even numbered year are to obtain 50 hours of CME for a 24-month period between 2020 and 2022; and for every 2-years thereafter in between renewal dates. This rule expires on August 31, 2022.
Source Note: The provisions of this §130.44 adopted to be effective November 1, 2018, 43 TexReg 6953; amended to be effective September 1, 2019, 44 TexReg 4725; amended to be effective July 1, 2020, 45 TexReg 4333