(a) All practitioners shall make, maintain, and keep accurate records of the diagnosis made and the treatment performed for and upon each of his or her patients for reference and for protection of the patient for at least five years following the completion of treatment.
(b) The records of the identity, diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment of a patient by a practitioner that are created or maintained by a practitioner are the property of the practitioner.
(c) A practitioner shall furnish copies of medical records or a summary or narrative of the medical records pursuant to a written request by the patient or by a parent or legal guardian if the patient is a minor, or a legal guardian if the patient has been adjudicated incompetent to manage his or her personal affairs, or an attorney ad litem appointed for the patient or personal representative if the patient is deceased, except if the practitioner determines that access to the information would be harmful to the physical, mental, or emotional health of the patient. The practitioner may delete confidential information about another patient or family member of the patient who has not consented to the release.
(d) The requested copies of medical records of a summary or narrative of the records shall be furnished by the practitioner within thirty (30) days after the date of the request and reasonable fees for furnishing the information shall be paid by the patient or someone on behalf of the patient.
(e) As referenced in subsection (c), if the practitioner denies the request for copies of medical records or a summary or narrative of the records, either in whole or in part, the practitioner shall furnish the patient a written statement, signed and dated, stating the reason for the denial, and a copy of the statement denying the request shall be placed in the patient's medical records.
(f) The practitioner responding to a request for such information shall be entitled to receive a reasonable fee for providing the requested information. In addition, a reasonable fee may include actual costs for mailing, shipping, or delivery of the records and x-rays.
(g) The practitioner providing copies of requested medical records or a summary or a narrative of such medical records shall be entitled to payment of a reasonable fee prior to release of the information unless the information is requested by a health care provider licensed in Texas or licensed by any state, territory, or insular possession of the United States or any State or Province of Canada if requested for purposes of emergency or acute medical care. In the event the practitioner receives a proper request for copies of medical records or a summary or narrative of the medical records for purposes other than for emergency or acute medical care, the practitioner may retain the requested information until payment is received. In the event payment is not routed with such a request, within ten calendar days from receiving a request for the release of such medical records for reasons other than emergency or acute medical care, the practitioner shall notify the requesting party in writing of the need for payment and may withhold the information until payment of a reasonable fee is received. A copy of the letter regarding the need for payment shall be made part of the patient's medical record. Medical records requested pursuant to a proper request for release may not be withheld from the patient, the patient's authorized agency, or the patient's designated recipient for such records based on a past due account for medical care or treatment previously rendered to the patient.
(h) A subpoena shall not be required for the release of medical records requested pursuant to a proper release for records under this section made by a patient or by the patient's guardian or other representative duly authorized to obtain such records.
(i) In response to a proper request for release of medical records, a practitioner shall not be required to provide copies of billing records pertaining to medical treatment of a patient unless specifically requested pursuant to the request for release of medical records.
(j) The allowable charges as set forth in this chapter shall be maximum amounts, and this chapter shall be construed and applied so as to be consistent with lower fees or the prohibition or absence of such fees as required by state statute or prevailing federal law.
Source Note: The provisions of this §130.54 adopted to be effective November 1, 2018, 43 TexReg 6953