(a) Generally. The laboratory, law enforcement agency, or peace officer who destroys an item under this subchapter must maintain the original destruction documents in a readily retrievable form after the date of destruction.
(b) Available to Director for inspection. The destroying laboratory, law enforcement agency, or peace officer must make the original destruction documents available for announced or unannounced inspection by the director.
(c) Copy upon request. If the director requests a copy of the destruction documentation, a laboratory, law enforcement agency, or peace officer destroying an item subject to this subchapter must provide the copy to the director within seven days.
(d) Destruction standard operating procedure (SOP). A laboratory or law enforcement agency adopting a written destruction SOP under this subchapter must:
(1) maintain the original copy of the SOP;
(2) make the original available for announced or unannounced inspection by the director or a member of the department; and
(3) provide the copy to the director under this section in the same manner as another destruction document.
Source Note: The provisions of this §13.164 adopted to be effective July 18, 2001, 26 TexReg 5266