(a) Permanent school fund lands may be leased for the exploration or development of groundwater resources through either a sealed bid procedure or through direct negotiation, at the discretion of the commissioner. Municipalities and other providers of public water supplies may be given a priority preference to lease permanent school fund lands for development of a municipal or domestic water supply.
(b) A party interested in leasing permanent school fund lands for the exploration or development of groundwater resources may submit a lease application. Alternatively, the commissioner or GLO staff may nominate a tract or tracts for inclusion in a sealed bid lease sale. A tract proposed for lease or nominated shall be described in sufficient detail that it can be identified and evaluated by interested parties. The commissioner will determine the lease procedure to be followed after considering interest in a tract and the best interest of the State.
(1) Contents of Application. A party interested in leasing permanent school fund lands for the exploration or development of groundwater resources shall submit an application to the GLO on forms approved by the commissioner. An acceptable application shall include the following information:
(2) Nomination procedures. The commissioner or GLO staff may nominate a tract for lease. In the event the commissioner determines that a bid sale is in the best interest of the State, the commissioner will set the terms and conditions upon which such nominated tracts will be offered for lease. These terms will be advertised and bids taken. The commissioner may accept the best bid meeting the minimum requirement set by the commissioner or by law, or the commissioner may reject any or all bids.
(c) Leases under this chapter may include provisions for bonuses upon execution, delay rentals, shut-in royalties, production royalties, advance royalties, in-kind royalties, or include the State or the permanent school fund as a participating interest in the development or exploration.
Source Note: The provisions of this §13.31 adopted to be effective April 23, 2006, 31 TexReg 3264