Applicants shall submit a supplementary experience record to the board as a part of the application. The supplementary experience record is a written summary documenting all of the applicant's land surveying experience used to meet the requirements for registration. The NCEES record experience information may be accepted as all or part of a supplementary experience record.
(1) The supplementary experience record shall be written by the applicant and shall:
(A) provide an overall description of the nature and scope of the work with emphasis on detailed descriptions of the land surveying work;
(B) clearly describe the land surveying work that the applicant personally performed;
(C) delineate the role of the applicant in any group surveying activity; and
(D) include any relevant training or participation in surveying organizations or societies that contribute to the applicant's competence and readiness for registration.
(2) The supplementary experience record shall be divided into employment engagements that correspond to those listed in the application and shall be written in sufficient detail to allow a board reviewer to document the minimum amount of experience required and to allow a reference provider to recognize and verify the quality and quantity of the experience claimed. The record shall include the percentage of time engaged in boundary land surveying as opposed to other types of surveying.
(3) Experience that is unsupported by references may not be considered. All experience claimed to meet the minimum requirements for registration shall be verified by one or more currently licensed or registered professional land surveyors(s) pursuant to §134.51 of this chapter (relating to Reference Providers).
(4) Experience from part-time employment must be accounted for proportionally to a standard 40-hour work week.
(5) The supplementary experience record must cover at least the minimum amount of time needed by the applicant for issuance of a registration as required by §§1071.254 or 1071.259 of the Surveying Act.
(6) No credit will be considered for experience obtained in violation of the Surveying Act or any applicable prior Act governing the surveying profession.
Source Note: The provisions of this §134.41 adopted to be effective December 30, 2020, 45 TexReg 9513