(a) A personal interview with the Licensing and Registration Committee of the board may be scheduled by the executive director to:
(1) obtain additional information or clarify submitted information as requested by the board; or
(2) reconsider a denied application resulting from §134.91 of this chapter (relating to Reconsideration of Denied Applications) at the applicant's request, provided that a written request has been submitted and received at the board's office by the close of business on or before the 60th calendar day from the date of the notification of denial.
(b) The personal interview is not to be construed as a hearing, but is held to obtain additional information in support of an application.
(c) The executive director may excuse and reschedule an applicant for a personal interview for cause. The executive director may also withdraw an invitation or permission for a personal interview including a previous failure to appear.
(d) The Licensing and Registration Committee or the board's designated representative shall make recommendations to the full board at the next available board meeting to approve or deny an application.
(e) The Licensing and Registration Committee may request additional information or require additional documentation to clarify an application and ensure eligibility.
(f) Another personal interview with the full board may be scheduled with a written request in accordance with subsection (a)(2) of this section. This interview with the full board shall constitute the last administrative appeal available to the applicant.
Source Note: The provisions of this §134.93 adopted to be effective December 30, 2020, 45 TexReg 9513