(a) All reports shall delineate the relationship between record monuments and the location of the boundaries surveyed; such relationship shall be shown on the survey drawing, if a drawing is prepared, and/or separate report and recited in the description with the appropriate record references recited thereon and therein.
(b) Every description prepared for the purpose of defining boundaries shall provide a definite and unambiguous identification of the location of such boundaries and shall describe all monuments found or placed.
(c) Courses shall be referenced by notation upon the survey drawing to an identifiable and monumented line or an established geodetic system for directional control.
(d) The survey drawing shall bear the firm name and firm registration number, the land surveyor's name, address, and phone number who is responsible for the land survey, his/her official seal, his/her original signature per Subchapter B of this chapter (Sealing Requirements), and date surveyed.
(e) Boundary monuments found or placed by the land surveyor shall be described upon the survey drawing. The land surveyor shall note upon the survey drawing, which monuments were found, which monuments were placed as a result of his/her survey, and other monuments of record dignity relied upon to establish the corners of the property surveyed.
(f) If any report consists of more than one part, each part shall note the existence of the other part or parts.
(g) If a land surveyor provides a written narrative in lieu of a drawing/sketch to report the results of a survey, the written narrative shall contain sufficient information to demonstrate the survey was conducted in compliance with the Act and rules of the board.
Source Note: The provisions of this §138.91 adopted to be effective April 1, 2021, 46 TexReg 2019