(a) Place of filing. Documents to be filed with the commission or the department must be filed with the director of the department's Transportation Planning and Programming Division. Applicants must submit all required data at one time in one package. An application will be returned if it does not satisfy all legal requirements.
(b) Licensed professional engineer. All plans shall be prepared, dated, signed, and sealed by a licensed professional engineer authorized to practice in Texas.
(c) Preliminary plans. Preliminary plans to be submitted and filed with the governmental entity and the commission shall contain at least the following items.
(1) The applicant must submit an engineering report that includes:
(A) average daily traffic volumes on existing roads and streets located within the RUD;
(B) five-year and twenty-year forecasts of average daily traffic volumes on existing and proposed roads and streets within or affected by the facility;
(C) an assessment of the facility's effect on the safety and quality of flow on state highways, municipal streets, and county roads that are intersected, interchanged, relocated, or widened as a result of construction;
(D) a description of the proposed facility, including typical sections of the proposed road and a typical section of the existing road;
(E) scale maps showing the boundaries of the RUD, its topography, the location of the facility, and anticipated land use and population density;
(F) scale maps of existing drainage areas that are partially or wholly within the RUD;
(G) hydraulic design frequencies for drainage structures, including specifications for the basis of design and the design coefficients, rainfall intensities, drainage area sizes, and calculated flow quantities for each drainage structure and, when applicable, for each inlet and storm sewer;
(H) an explanation of the anticipated handling of existing traffic during construction;
(I) an assessment of environmental impacts, including an in-depth analysis when environmentally sensitive areas are adversely affected;
(J) when bridges of 20 feet or more are proposed, an indication of structural capacity in terms of design loading;
(K) a preliminary estimate of construction costs subdivided into drainage structures and storm sewers, bridges, roadway, and miscellaneous features;
(L) a tabulation of basic geometric design values including design speed, maximum horizontal curvature, maximum gradient, minimum stopping sight distance, maximum superelevation rates, and other pertinent geometric design data;
(M) proposed landscaping and scenic easements;
(N) proposed temporary and permanent measures for controlling erosion; and
(O) identification of the sources or reference publications, such as a municipality or county, the department or the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, that serve as a basis for the selected design values and standards or will serve as the standards, guidelines, criteria, or specifications in the subsequent development of other design documents, including construction plans.
(2) The applicant must also submit:
(A) a schematic of the facility consisting of a continuous roll of to-scale engineering drawings depicting plan views on the upper portion and proposed profile grade line and natural ground profile superimposed on a grid on the lower portion and showing percent grades, vertical curve data, horizontal alignment and superelevation data for each roadway, number of lanes on each roadway, right-of-way limits, location and configuration of interchanges, grade separations and ramps, control of access lines, intersection design, location of median openings, location and length of speed-change lanes, a typical section, and the design speed; or
(B) at the request of the department or governmental entity, or at the option of the applicant, construction plans.
(3) The applicant shall submit a description of the title, guarantees, and form of conveyance to be used in conveying the land and facility to the governmental entity.
Source Note: The provisions of this §15.132 adopted to be effective February 20, 2002, 27 TexReg 1183