(a) Eligibility. Safety projects are eligible for funding, and include:
(1) projects submitted under the guidelines of the department's Hazard Elimination Program designed to reduce the number and severity of traffic accidents;
(2) projects designed to increase the width of narrow two-lane highways to a width of 24 feet or greater;
(3) expansion of undivided highways on the Texas Highway Trunk System to four-lane divided highways;
(4) construction of grade separations at highway intersections;
(5) construction of railroad grade separations eliminating at-grade rail/highway intersections by adding new railroad overpasses or underpasses;
(6) the installation of median traffic barriers;
(7) treatment or removal of roadside fixed objects that may create a roadway safety hazard such as sign or traffic signal supports, lighting supports, vegetation, mailboxes, barriers, bridge rails, fences, culverts, ditches, curbs, embankments, and other items located in the state highway right of way;
(8) improvements at rail/highway at-grade crossings, including active warning devices such as crossing gates, lights, and warning bells;
(9) the installation of sidewalks on state highway right of way to improve pedestrian safety and mobility;
(10) intersection improvements designed to improve pedestrian safety such as the installation of curb ramps;
(11) the installation of turn lanes at highway intersections;
(12) the improvement of geometrics, signal timing, and other general infrastructure improvements to intersections;
(13) the installation or improvement of traffic signals, flashing beacons, and other traffic control devices;
(14) the installation or improvement of safety appurtenances; and
(15) the conversion of two-way frontage roads to one-way frontage roads.
(b) Selection criteria. The department will consider accident data, traffic volume, pavement geometry, and other conditions that can create or exacerbate hazardous roadway conditions in selecting projects for funding under this section, and one or more of the following criteria:
(1) potential of the candidate project to correct identified safety problems;
(2) the anticipated time required to complete the candidate project;
(3) adherence to all accepted department design standards as well as applicable state and federal law and regulation; and
(4) feasibility of the project.
Source Note: The provisions of this §15.174 adopted to be effective April 15, 2004, 29 TexReg 3649