(a) Application form. An eligible county may submit to the department an application for a grant from the fund.
(1) The application must be submitted electronically using the department's automated system designated for the grant program.
(2) A county is responsible for obtaining its use of a computer system and access to the Internet.
(3) Upon request, a county may use the department's computer system at any district office location.
(4) For an application to be valid, the county must submit the application during a period designated under §15.187 of this subchapter (relating to Acceptance of Applications) and satisfy the requirements of this section.
(b) Plan requirements. An application must contain a plan that:
(1) provides a prioritized list of transportation infrastructure projects to be funded by the grant;
(2) describes the scope of each listed transportation infrastructure project including:
(A) a clear and concise description of the proposed work;
(B) an implementation plan, including a schedule of proposed activities;
(C) an estimate of project costs;
(D) the project funding sources; and
(E) other information required by the department;
(3) specifies the total amount of grant funds being requested in the application;
(4) identifies matching funds required under §15.183 of this subchapter (relating to Matching Funds); and
(5) identifies other potential sources of funding to maximize resources available for the listed transportation infrastructure projects.
(c) Additional submissions. In addition to the application form, the county must also submit a road condition report described by Transportation Code, §251.018 made by the county for the preceding year.
(d) Information for previous grant. If the county has received a grant under this subchapter, it must also submit:
(1) a certification that all previous grants have been or are being spent in accordance with the applicable plan submitted under subsection (b) of this section; and
(2) an accounting of expenditures under the previous grant, including any amounts spent on administrative costs.
Source Note: The provisions of this §15.188 adopted to be effective December 12, 2013, 38 TexReg 8917; amended to be effective December 5, 2018, 43 TexReg 7805; amended to be effective March 18, 2020, 45 TexReg 1865