(a) Any interested person, as defined by §2001.021, Government Code, may request a rule be adopted, amended, or repealed by submitting a written petition to the Board.
(b) The written petition must include:
(1) the person's full name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address;
(2) a brief summary of the proposed action and its desired effect;
(3) a justification for the proposed action set out in narrative form with sufficient particularity to inform the Board the reasons and arguments on which the person is relying;
(4) if proposing a new rule, the text of the new rule in the exact form that is desired to be adopted; and
(5) if proposing an amendment or repeal, the specific section and text of the rule the person wants to change, with deletions crossed through and additions underlined.
(c) The written petition must be submitted to the Board by:
(1) delivering the petition in person to the Board's headquarters;
(2) sending the petition via email to general.counsel@talcb.texas.gov;
(3) sending the petition via fax to (512) 936-3788, ATTN: General Counsel; or
(4) sending the petition via mail to P.O. Box 12188, Austin, Texas, 78711, ATTN: General Counsel.
(d) Not later than 60 days after the date of submission of a petition that complies with the requirements of this section, the Executive Committee, in consultation with Board staff, shall review the petition and either:
(1) deny the petition in writing, stating the reasons for the denial and advising of other methods the interested person may communicate his or her concerns to the Board; or
(2) initiate a rulemaking proceeding under Chapter 2001, Government Code, by directing that the petition be placed on the next agenda for discussion by:
(A) the Board; or
(B) the appropriate Board committee.
Source Note: The provisions of this §157.51 adopted to be effective June 6, 2021, 46 TexReg 3392