(a) General. The department will establish project, performance, and funding reporting systems that make available in a central location on the department's website information regarding the:
(1) delivery of individual transportation projects as provided in §16.202 of this subchapter (relating to Reporting System for Delivery of Individual Projects);
(2) operation and condition of the department's statewide transportation system as provided in §16.203 of this subchapter (relating to Performance Reporting on the Operation and Condition of the Statewide Transportation System); and
(3) funding available for the department's statewide transportation system and actual expenditures related to the system as provided in §16.204 of this subchapter (relating to Reporting System for Funding and Expenditures).
(b) Entry of information. Each district will enter information about each of its transportation projects into the project, performance, and funding reporting systems.
(c) Department website. The department will make the statistical information provided under this subchapter available on the department's website in more than one downloadable electronic format. The information will be easily accessible, understandable, and in a format that allows a person to conduct electronic searches for information about a specific district, a county, a highway under the jurisdiction of the department, or a type of road under the jurisdiction of the department.
(d) Reports to legislative districts. The department will provide to each member of the legislature a copy of the annual reports required by §16.202 and §16.203 of this subchapter for each department district located within the boundaries of a legislative district, and at the request of a legislator, a senior management employee of the department will meet with the legislator to explain the reports. A copy of each annual district report will also be provided to the political subdivisions located in the district that is the subject of the report, including a:
(1) municipality;
(2) county; and
(3) local transportation entity.
(e) Reports to the legislature. The department will provide a copy of the annual reports required by §16.202 and §16.203 of this subchapter to the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the chair of the standing committee of each house of the legislature with primary jurisdiction over transportation issues.
Source Note: The provisions of this §16.201 adopted to be effective January 1, 2011, 35 TexReg 8388; amended to be effective November 15, 2012, 37 TexReg 8981