The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, will have the following meanings, unless otherwise indicated:
(1) "Applicant" is a county or other eligible entity that has submitted a grant application, grant renewal documentation, or other request for funding from the Commission.
(2) "Application" is any formal request for funding submitted to the Commission.
(3) "Program income" means gross income earned by the grantee that is directly generated by a supported activity of the grant or earned as a result of the grant award during the period of performance. Program income includes, but is not limited to, fees for services performed.
(4) "Crime" means
(A) a misdemeanor punishable by confinement; or
(B) a felony.
(5) "Defendant" means a person accused of a crime or a juvenile offense.
(6) "Improvement Grant" means discretionary funding awarded on a competitive basis to implement or expand new programs or processes in Texas counties designed to improve the quality of indigent defense services, promote and assist counties' compliance with the requirements of state law relating to indigent defense, or build the knowledge base regarding indigent defense through research, program evaluation, or pilot projects.
(7) "Extraordinary Disbursement Grant" means discretionary funding to reimburse a county for actual extraordinary expenses for providing indigent defense services in a case or series of cases causing a financial hardship for the county.
(8) "Fair Defense Account" is an account in the general revenue fund that may be appropriated to the Commission for the purpose of implementing the Texas Fair Defense Act.
(9) "Fiscal Monitor" is an employee of the Commission who monitors counties' fiscal processes and records to ensure that financial data reported to the Commission is accurate and that grant funds are spent appropriately in accordance with the Texas Fair Defense Act, the Texas Grant Management Standards promulgated by the Comptroller, and other applicable rules and standards.
(10) "Formula Grant" means funding awarded to counties through a formula approved by the Commission.
(11) "Grant" is a funding award made by the Commission to a Texas county or other eligible entity.
(12) "Grantee" means a county or other eligible entity that is the recipient of a grant or other funds from the Commission.
(13) "Juvenile offense" means conduct committed by a person while younger than 17 years of age that constitutes:
(A) a misdemeanor punishable by confinement; or
(B) a felony.
(14) "Special condition" means a prerequisite placed on a grant because of a need for information, clarification, or submission of an outstanding requirement of the grant that may result in a hold being placed on the Commission-funded portion of a grant project.
(15) "Sustainability Grant" means a type of Improvement Grant that is discretionary funding awarded to assist counties in maintaining regional public defender programs.
(16) "Technical Support Grant" means a type of Improvement Grant awarded for special projects to improve the quality of indigent defense services through research, program evaluation, or pilot projects that raise the knowledge base about indigent defense, and may establish processes that can be generalized to similar situations in other counties.
(17) "Texas Indigent Defense Commission" (Commission) is the governmental entity established and governed by §79.002 of the Texas Government Code.
(18) "TxGMS" means the Texas Grant Management Standards promulgated by the Office of the Comptroller.
Source Note: The provisions of this §173.102 adopted to be effective March 23, 2023, 48 TexReg 1549