The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Applicant--A unit of general local government seeking membership certification in the Go Texan Certified Retirement Community Program.
(2) Application--Written request for certification under the Go Texan Certified Retirement Community Program in the format prescribed by the department.
(3) Commissioner--The commissioner of agriculture of the State of Texas or the commissioner's designee.
(4) Department--The Texas Department of Agriculture.
(5) Guidelines--Guidelines promulgated by the department for completing the application for the Program and administration of the program.
(6) Local government--An entity defined as a unit of general local government in 42 United States Code, §5302(a)(1).
(7) Program--The Go Texan Certified Retirement Community Program.
(8) Sponsor--A board, organization or panel designated in the application by the applicant to serve as the community's primary contact regarding all aspects of the Program.
(9) Staff--Staff of the department.
Source Note: The provisions of this §17.600 adopted to be effective January 10, 2013, 38 TexReg 241