(a) The quarantined pest is a quarantined article.
(b) The following articles and commodities originating from quarantined areas are quarantined articles:
(1) Corn, broomcorn, sorghums, and Sudan grass plants and plant parts (including, but not limited to, seed and shelled grain, and stalks, ears, cobs, and all other parts, fragments, or debris).
(2) Beans in the pod, beets, celery, pepper fruits, endive, Swiss chard, and rhubarb (cut or plants with roots).
(3) Cut flowers and entire plants of aster, chrysanthemum, dendranthema, pelargonium, calendula, cosmos, hollyhock, marigold, zinnia, Japanese hop, dahlia, and gladiolus.
(4) Plants and plant parts of Cannabis spp.
Source Note: The provisions of this §19.112 adopted to be effective September 2, 1996, 21 TexReg 7805; amended to be effective August 30, 2020, 45 TexReg 5905