(a) Notice requirements. A URA must send written notification to the enrollee or an individual acting on behalf of the enrollee and the enrollee's provider of record, including the health care provider who rendered the service, of a determination made in a utilization review.
(b) Renewal of existing preauthorizations. If a health benefit plan issuer subject to Insurance Code Chapter 1222 requires preauthorization as a condition of payment for a medical or health care service, the URA must provide a preauthorization renewal process that allows a physician or health care provider to request renewal of an existing preauthorization at least 60 days before the date the preauthorization expires.
(c) Required notice elements. In all instances of a prospective, concurrent, or retrospective utilization review adverse determination, written notification of the adverse determination by the URA must include:
(1) the principal reasons for the adverse determination;
(2) the clinical basis for the adverse determination;
(3) a description or the source of the screening criteria that were utilized as guidelines in making the determination;
(4) the professional specialty of the physician, doctor, or other health care provider that made the adverse determination;
(5) a description of the procedure for the URA's complaint system as required by §19.1705 of this title (relating to General Standards of Utilization Review);
(6) a description of the URA's appeal process, as required by §19.1711 of this title (relating to Written Procedures for Appeal of Adverse Determination);
(7) a copy of the request for a review by an IRO form, available at www.tdi.texas.gov;
(8) notice of the independent review process with instructions that:
(A) request for a review by an IRO form must be completed by the enrollee, an individual acting on behalf of the enrollee, or the enrollee's provider of record and be returned to the insurance carrier or URA that made the adverse determination to begin the independent review process; and
(B) the release of medical information to the IRO, which is included as part of the independent review request for a review by an IRO form, must be signed by the enrollee or the enrollee's legal guardian; and
(9) a description of the enrollee's right to an immediate review by an IRO and of the procedures to obtain that review for an enrollee who has a life-threatening condition or who is denied the provision of prescription drugs or intravenous infusions for which the patient is receiving benefits under the health insurance policy.
(d) Determination concerning an acquired brain injury. In addition to the notification required by this section, a URA must comply with this subsection in regard to a determination concerning an acquired brain injury as defined by §21.3102 of this title (relating to Definitions). Not later than three business days after the date an individual requests utilization review or requests an extension of coverage based on medical necessity or appropriateness, a URA must provide notification of the determination through a direct telephone contact to the individual making the request. This subsection does not apply to a determination made for coverage under a small employer health benefit plan.
(e) Prospective and concurrent review.
(1) Favorable determinations. The written notification of a favorable determination made in utilization review must be mailed or electronically transmitted as required by Insurance Code §4201.302.
(2) Preauthorization numbers. A URA must ensure that preauthorization numbers assigned by the URA comply with the data and format requirements contained in the standards adopted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 45 C.F.R. §162.1102 (relating to Standards for Health Care Claims or Equivalent Encounter Information Transaction), based on the type of service in the preauthorization request.
(3) Required time frames. Except as otherwise provided by the Insurance Code, the time frames for notification of the adverse determination begin from the date of the request and must comply with Insurance Code §4201.304. A URA must provide the notice to the provider of record or other health care provider not later than one hour after the time of the request when denying post-stabilization care subsequent to emergency treatment as requested by a provider of record or other health care provider. The URA must send written notification within three working days of the telephone or electronic transmission.
(4) Required time frame for preauthorization renewal requests. A URA must review a request to renew a preauthorization for a medical or health care service and make and issue a determination before the existing preauthorization expires, if practicable. The determination must indicate whether the medical or health care service is preauthorized.
(f) Retrospective review.
(1) The URA must develop and implement written procedures for providing the notice of adverse determination for retrospective utilization review, including the time frames for the notice of adverse determination, that comply with Insurance Code §4201.305 and this section.
(2) When a retrospective review of the medical necessity, appropriateness, or the experimental or investigational nature of the health care services is made in relation to health coverage, the URA may not require the submission or review of a mental health therapist's process or progress notes that relate to the mental health therapist's treatment of an enrollee's mental or emotional condition or disorder. This prohibition extends to requiring an oral, electronic, facsimile, or written submission or rendition of a mental health therapist's process or progress notes. This prohibition does not preclude requiring submission of:
(A) an enrollee's mental health medical record summary; or
(B) medical records or process or progress notes that relate to treatment of conditions or disorders other than a mental or emotional condition or disorder.
Source Note: The provisions of this §19.1709 adopted to be effective February 20, 2013, 38 TexReg 892; amended to be effective July 28, 2019, 44 TexReg 3907; amended to be effective March 17, 2021, 46 TexReg 1647