(a) Appeal of prospective or concurrent review adverse determinations. Each URA must comply with its written procedures for appeals. The written procedures for appeals must comply with Insurance Code Chapter 4201, Subchapter H, concerning Appeal of Adverse Determination, and must include the following provisions:
(1) For workers' compensation network coverage, a URA must include in its written procedures a statement specifying the timeframes for requesting the appeal under Insurance Code §1305.354, which may not be less than 30 calendar days after the date of issuance of written notification of an adverse determination.
(2) For workers' compensation non-network coverage and workers' compensation health plans, a URA must include in its written procedures a statement specifying that the timeframes for requesting the appeal of the adverse determination must be consistent with §134.600 of this title (relating to Preauthorization, Concurrent Review, and Voluntary Certification of Health Care) and Chapter 133, Subchapter D, of this title (relating to Dispute of Medical Bills).
(3) An injured employee, the injured employee's representative, or the provider of record may appeal the adverse determination orally or in writing.
(4) Appeal decisions must be made by a physician, dentist, or chiropractor who has not previously reviewed the case, as required by Chapter 180 of this title (relating to Monitoring and Enforcement); Insurance Code §1305.354; and §10.103 of this title (relating to Reconsideration of Adverse Determination). If the health care services in question are dental services, then a dentist may make the appeal decision if the services in question are within the scope of the dentist's license to practice dentistry. If the health care services in question are chiropractic services, then a chiropractor may make the appeal decision if the services in question are within the scope of the chiropractor's license to practice chiropractic.
(5) Subject to the notice requirements of §19.2009 of this title (relating to Notice of Determinations Made in Utilization Review), in any instance in which the URA is questioning the medical necessity or appropriateness of the health care services, prior to issuance of an adverse determination, the URA must afford the provider of record a reasonable opportunity to discuss the plan of treatment for the injured employee with a physician. If the health care services in question are dental services, then a dentist may conduct the discussion if the services in question are within the scope of the dentist's license to practice dentistry. If the health care services in question are chiropractic services, then a chiropractor may conduct the discussion if the services in question are within the scope of the chiropractor's license to practice chiropractic. The provision must state that the discussion must include, at a minimum, the clinical basis for the URA's decision.
(6) After the URA has sought review of the appeal of the adverse determination, the URA must issue a response letter explaining the resolution of the appeal to individuals specified in §19.2009(a) of this title (relating to Notice of Determinations Made in Utilization Review).
(7) The response letter required in paragraph (6) of this subsection, for both workers' compensation network coverage and for workers' compensation non-network coverage, must include:
(A) a statement of the specific medical or dental reasons for the resolution;
(B) the clinical basis for the decision;
(C) the professional specialty and Texas license number of the physician, dentist, or chiropractor who made the determination;
(D) notice of the appealing party's right to seek review of the adverse determination by an IRO under §19.2017 of this title (relating to Independent Review of Adverse Determinations), the notice of the independent review process, and either of the following:
(i) a copy of the request for a review by an IRO form, available at www.tdi.texas.gov/forms; or
(ii) notice in at least 12 point font that the injured employee can obtain a copy of the request for a review by an IRO form by:
(I) accessing TDI's website, at www.tdi.texas.gov/forms; or
(II) calling {insert URA's telephone number} to request a copy of the form, at which time the URA will send a copy of the request for a review by an IRO form to the injured employee or health care provider;
(E) procedures for filing a complaint as described in §19.2005(f) of this title (relating to General Standards of Utilization Review);
(F) for workers' compensation network coverage only, a description or the source of the screening criteria that were utilized in making the determination, including a description of the network adopted treatment guidelines, if any; and
(G) for workers' compensation non-network coverage only, a description of treatment guidelines utilized under Chapter 137 of this title (relating to Disability Management) or Labor Code §504.054(b) in making a determination;
(8) Timeframes required for written notifications to the appealing party of the determination of the appeal:
(A) must be resolved as specified in §10.103 of this title for workers' compensation network coverage; and
(B) must be resolved as specified in §134.600 of this title for workers' compensation non-network coverage.
(9) In a circumstance involving an injured employee's life-threatening condition, or involving a request for a medical interlocutory order under §134.550 of this title (Medical Interlocutory Order), the injured employee is entitled to an immediate review by an IRO of the adverse determination and is not required to comply with procedures for an appeal of the adverse determination by the URA.
(b) Appeal of retrospective review adverse determinations. A URA must maintain and make available a written description of appeal procedures involving an adverse determination in a retrospective review. The appeal procedures must comply with §19.2009 of this title for retrospective utilization review adverse determination appeals and Insurance Code §4201.359. The written procedures for appeals must specify that an injured employee, the injured employee's representative, or the provider of record may appeal the adverse determination orally or in writing.
(1) Workers' compensation network coverage. For workers' compensation network coverage, appeal procedures must comply with the requirements in Insurance Code Chapter 1305, §10.102 of this title (relating to Notice of Certain Utilization Review Determinations; Preauthorization and Retrospective Review Requirements), and §133.250 of this title (relating to Reconsideration for Payment of Medical Bills).
(2) Workers' compensation non-network coverage. For workers' compensation non-network coverage, the appeal procedures must comply with the requirements of §133.250 of this title.
Source Note: The provisions of this §19.2011 adopted to be effective February 20, 2013, 38 TexReg 892