(a) Purpose. The purpose of these rules is to provide a uniform procedure through which the division will train and certify individuals who conduct government procurement functions.
(b) Definitions. The following words and terms when used in this section shall have the following meanings.
(1) Purchasing--The receipt and processing of requisitions, development of specifications, development of scope of work, the issuance of purchase orders against existing cooperative or agency contracts, and the verification of the inspection of merchandise or receipt of services by the agency. The term does not include the development of solicitations and contract awards that must be posted to the Electronic State Business Daily or in the Texas Register.
(2) Contract development--The term applies to actions taken prior to contract execution, including the receipt and processing of requisitions, assessment of need, development and review of specifications, development and review of scopes of work, identification and selection of procurement methods, identification and preparation of evaluation criteria, preparation of and advertising solicitation documents, tabulation of respondent bids, evaluation of respondent proposals, negotiation of proposals, and the preparation and completion of contract award documents. The term does not include invoice or audit functions.
(3) Contract management--The term applies to actions taken following contract execution, including the assessment of risk, verification of contractor performance, monitoring compliance with deliverable and reporting requirements, enforcement of contract terms, monitoring and reporting of vendor performance, and ensuring that contract performance and practices are consistent with applicable rules, laws and the State of Texas Procurement Manual and Contract Management Guide.
(4) Procurement--The performance of any purchasing, contract development, or contract management functions.
(5) Contractor--For purposes of this section, a person other than a state agency employee retained by a state agency to perform purchasing or contract development functions.
(c) Training required.
(1) Purchasing requirements. A state agency employee or contractor must complete the division's Texas Purchasing Course to engage in purchasing functions on behalf of a state agency if the employee or contractor:
(A) has the job title of "purchaser";
(B) performs purchasing functions as 15% or more of their job functions; or
(C) makes a purchase in excess of $10,000.
(2) Certified Texas Contract Developer requirements.
(A) A state agency employee or contractor must be certified as a Certified Texas Contract Developer to engage in contract development functions on behalf of a state agency and to issue a solicitation or contract award required to be posted to the Electronic State Business Daily or in the Texas Register.
(B) A Certified Texas Contract Developer may conduct purchasing functions.
(3) Certified Texas Contract Manager requirements. A state agency employee must be certified as a Certified Texas Contract Manager to engage in contract management functions on behalf of a state agency if the employee:
(A) has the job title of "contract manager" or "contract administration manager" or "contract technician";
(B) performs contract management functions as 50% or more of their job functions; or
(C) manages any contract in excess of $5,000,000.
(4) Certified Texas Contract Manager exemption. In accordance with Government Code, §656.052(h)(2), a contract manager whose contract management duties primarily relate to contracts described by Government Code, §2262.002(b) is exempt from the contract management certification requirements of this section.
(5) Licensed attorneys exemption. A licensed attorney employed by a state agency performing procurement or contract management functions described by this section is exempt from the certification requirements of this section.
(d) Eligible applicants. To be eligible to apply for and receive a certification, an applicant must be:
(1) a current Texas state or local government employee;
(2) at the sole discretion of the director, a contractor as defined in subsection (b)(5) of this section; or
(3) at the sole discretion of the director, a student:
(A) currently enrolled in an accredited Texas university or community college; or
(B) who has graduated within the last three years from an accredited Texas university or community college.
(e) Requirements to receive certification.
(1) To be a Certified Texas Contract Developer, an eligible applicant must:
(A) complete the Texas Contract Developer Certification training course provided by the division;
(B) complete the division approved Texas Contract Developer Certification examination with a score of 80% or higher;
(C) have completed payment for the course and the examination; and
(D) be issued a Texas Contract Developer Certification.
(2) To be a Certified Texas Contract Manager, an eligible applicant must:
(A) complete the Texas Contract Manager Certification training course provided by the division;
(B) complete the division approved Texas Contract Manager Certification examination with a score of 80% or higher;
(C) have completed payment for the course and the examination; and
(D) be issued a Texas Contract Manager Certification.
(f) Training completion. To complete any training required in this section, an eligible applicant must:
(1) register for the applicable training using the electronic registration provided by the division on the official comptroller website;
(2) provide documentation of eligibility acceptable to the director;
(3) attend the applicable training course; and
(4) receive confirmation of course completion from the director.
(g) Certification examinations.
(1) To take any certification examination required in this section, an eligible applicant must register to take the examination using the electronic registration provided by the division on the official comptroller website within:
(A) three months of confirmation of completion of the applicable course by the director; or
(B) the time period determined at the sole discretion of the director with documented extenuating circumstances not to exceed twelve months from confirmation of completion of the applicable course.
(2) If an applicant receives a score of less than 80% following completion of the course, the applicant shall have two additional attempts to obtain a score of 80% or higher during a time period not to exceed six months following completion of the course.
(3) If the applicant does not obtain a score of 80% or higher after three attempts, the applicant must retake the applicable training course prior to retaking the examination.
(h) Certification issuance.
(1) To be issued any certification in this section, eligible applicants must within three months of the issuance of examination completion with a score of 80% or higher, submit:
(A) an application provided by the division on the official comptroller website; and
(B) any other documents required by the director.
(2) If the director determines that all applicable requirements have been satisfied, a certification will be issued to the applicant.
(i) Continuing education.
(1) A procurement professional certified in this section must complete twenty-four hours of in-person or online continuing education every three years, one hour of which must be ethics, to maintain certification. Twenty-three hours of the required hours must be division-sponsored training and one hour may be an elective selected by the professional, subject to division approval. The ethics requirement must be satisfied by division-sponsored training.
(2) A procurement professional dual certified in this section must complete thirty-six hours of in-person or online continuing education every three years, one hour of which must be ethics, to maintain dual certification. Thirty-four hours of the required hours must be division-sponsored training and two hours may be elective courses selected by the professional, subject to division approval. The ethics requirement must be satisfied by division-sponsored training.