(a) Analyzing potential contracts of $100,000 or more. In accordance with Government Code, Chapter 2161, Subchapter F, each state agency that considers entering into a contract with an expected value of $100,000 or more shall, before it solicits responses, determine whether subcontracting opportunities are probable under the contract.
(1) State agencies shall use the following steps to determine if subcontracting opportunities are probable under the contract:
(A) examine the scope of work to be performed under the proposed contract and determine if it is likely that some of the work may be performed by a subcontractor;
(B) check the HUB directory for HUBs that may be available to perform the contract work; and
(C) consider whether subcontracting is probable for only a subset of the work expected to be performed or the funds to be expended under the contract.
(2) State agencies may consider additional sources of information regarding the probability of subcontracting, including:
(A) information from other state agencies and local governments; and
(B) information about past state contracts with similar scopes of work.
(b) Requiring HUB subcontracting plans.
(1) If a state agency determines that subcontracting opportunities are probable, the solicitation shall state that probability and explicitly require that any response include a completed HUB subcontracting plan to be considered responsive. The solicitation shall state the applicable HUB utilization goal, and provide information on where to find and how to complete the comptroller's HUB subcontracting plan form.
(2) A state agency shall require HUB subcontracting plans to be submitted with each response. If a state agency permits responses to be submitted in parts, with deadlines for each part, the solicitation shall specify which deadline applies to the HUB subcontracting plan and shall not open responses until after the HUB subcontracting plan is due.
(3) A state agency shall reject any response that does not include a completed and timely HUB subcontracting plan due to material failure to comply with Government Code, §2161.252(b).
(4) If a properly submitted HUB subcontracting plan contains minor deficiencies, such as failure to sign or date the plan or failure to submit already-existing evidence that a good faith effort was completed, the state agency may allow the respondent to cure the minor deficiency. A state agency may not allow a respondent to cure material deficiencies, including completion of a good faith effort after the response deadline (such as contacting minority trade organizations or producing the statement of how the respondent intends to self-perform the work that is required by subsection (d)(4) of this section).
(c) Completing a HUB subcontracting plan. The HUB subcontracting plan shall consist of a completed form prescribed by the comptroller, with attachments as appropriate.
(d) Demonstrating good faith in the development of a HUB subcontracting plan. The HUB subcontracting plan must demonstrate that the respondent developed it in good faith. For each part of the work that the solicitation identified as a probable subcontracting opportunity and each part of the work that the respondent actually intends to subcontract, the respondent must demonstrate its good faith development of a HUB subcontracting plan by a method described in paragraphs (1)-(4) of this subsection.
(1) Solicitation Method. To complete the solicitation method, the respondent shall comply with all requirements of this clause.
(A) The respondent shall divide the work into reasonable lots or portions consistent with prudent industry practices.
(B) The respondent shall notify, in writing, at least two trade organizations or development centers that serve economically disadvantaged persons, of the subcontracting opportunities that the respondent intends to subcontract.
(C) The respondent shall notify, in writing, at least three HUBs of the subcontracting opportunities that the respondent intends to subcontract. The respondent shall provide the notice described in this subclause to three or more HUBs per subcontracting opportunity that provide the type of work required.
(D) The notices required by subparagraphs (B) and (C) of this paragraph shall include the scope of work, information regarding location to review plans and specifications, information about bonding and insurance requirements, required qualifications, and other contract requirements and identify a contact person.
(E) The respondent shall provide the notices required by subparagraphs (B) and (C) of this paragraph at least seven working days prior to submission of the response. Neither the day on which the notice is sent nor the day on which the respondent submits its response count as one of the required seven working days. A state agency may determine that circumstances require a different time period than seven working days but must notify potential vendors of the requirement and document the justification in the contract file.
(F) The respondent shall submit documentation of having provided the notices required by subparagraphs (B) and (C) of this paragraph, including copies of relevant correspondence with the recipients, with its HUB subcontracting plan.
(G) If the respondent selects a non-HUB business to perform a subcontract instead of a HUB that bid for the same subcontract work, the respondent shall include a written justification for the selection in its HUB subcontracting plan.
(H) The respondent shall retain documentation of its compliance with each aspect of the solicitation method and submit it to the state agency upon request.
(2) All-HUB-Subcontractors Method. The respondent may use the all-HUB-subcontractors method to demonstrate a good faith effort for any subcontracting opportunity by submitting documentation that 100% of subcontracting opportunities will be performed by HUBs.
(3) Meeting-or-Exceeding-HUB-Goal Method. The respondent may use the meeting-or-exceeding-HUB-goal method to demonstrate a good faith effort for any subcontracting opportunity by submitting documentation that it will utilize one or more HUBs to perform subcontracts with a total value that will meet or exceed the HUB utilization goal identified by the procuring state agency in the solicitation.
(4) Self-performing Method. The respondent may use the self-performing method to demonstrate a good faith effort for any subcontracting opportunity by providing a statement of how it intends to fulfill the entire contract, including each subcontracting opportunity, with its own equipment, supplies, materials, and employees. The respondent shall provide the following if requested by the procuring state agency:
(A) evidence of existing staffing to meet contract objectives;
(B) monthly payroll records showing employees engaged in the contract;
(C) on-site reviews of company headquarters or work site where services are to be performed; and
(D) documentation proving employment of qualified personnel holding the necessary licenses and certificates required to perform the work.
(5) Subcontracting to a HUB Protégé. If the respondent is a mentor in a mentor-protégé agreement that is registered with the comptroller under §20.298 of this title (relating to Mentor-Protégé Program), the respondent may demonstrate a good faith effort for any subcontracting opportunity by subcontracting the work to its protégé.
(6) The respondent shall use the HUB directory to identify HUBs. If the respondent uses any alternate source, it accepts the risk that its HUB subcontracting plan may be noncompliant due to inaccurate HUB certification information.
(e) Accepting or rejecting the HUB subcontracting plan. The state agency shall review the respondent's HUB subcontracting plan prior to award. The HUB subcontracting plan shall become a provision of the state agency's contract. The agency and contractor may agree to revise the submitted HUB subcontracting plan in accordance with subsection (b)(4) of this section. State agencies shall review the documentation submitted by the respondent to determine if the respondent made a good faith effort. If the state agency determines that a HUB subcontracting plan was not developed in good faith or the good faith effort was incomplete, the state agency shall reject the response. The state agency shall document the reasons for rejection in the contract file.
(f) Contractor records. The contractor shall maintain records documenting its compliance with the HUB subcontracting plan.