(a) Non-treasury funds. State agencies will report to the comptroller, not later than March 15 of each year regarding the previous six-month period and on September 15 of each year regarding the preceding fiscal year, the payments made for the purchase of goods and services awarded and actually paid from non-treasury funds by the state agency. The report shall include information requested by the comptroller and shall be in a form prescribed by the comptroller. State agencies' purchases from state term contracts or group purchases which are paid from non-treasury funds must be identified on the report as such so that they may be reflected on the comptroller's report of its own purchases.
(b) Monthly information. State agencies shall maintain and compile monthly information relating to the use of HUBs by the agency and each of their operating divisions, including information regarding subcontractors and suppliers.
(c) Spending totals. State agencies will report to the comptroller, not later than March 15 of each year regarding the previous six-month period and on September 15 of each year regarding the preceding fiscal year, the total dollar amount of HUB and non-HUB contracting and subcontracting participation in all of the agencies' contracts for the purchase of goods, services and public works. State agencies must include contracting and subcontracting participation paid from treasury and non-treasury funds.
(d) Group purchasing report. State agencies that participate in a group purchasing program under Government Code, §2155.144 shall submit a separate report to the comptroller, not later than March 15 of each year regarding the previous six-month period and September 15 of each year regarding the preceding fiscal year, of purchases that are made through the group purchasing program and shall report the dollar amount of each purchase that is allocated to the reporting state agency.
(e) Consolidated report. The comptroller shall prepare a consolidated report based on a compilation and analysis of the reports submitted by each state agency and other information available to the comptroller. These reports of HUB purchasing and contracts shall form a record of each state agency's purchases in which the state agency selected the contractor. If the contractor was selected by the comptroller as part of its state term contract program, the purchase will be reflected on the comptroller's report of its own purchases. The comptroller report will contain the following information:
(1) the total dollar amount of payments made by each state agency;
(2) the total number of HUBs paid by each state agency;
(3) the total number of contracts awarded to HUBs by each state agency;
(4) the number of responses received from HUBs by each state agency; and
(5) the graduation rate of HUBs as defined in §20.294 of this title (relating to Graduation Procedures).
(f) Report to legislature. On May 15 of each year, the comptroller shall submit the consolidated report regarding the previous six-month period and on November 15 of each year regarding the preceding fiscal year to the presiding officer of each house of the legislature, the members of the legislature and the joint select committee.
(g) Determination of HUB expenditures. State agencies shall report as HUB expenditures the total payments made directly to certified prime and subcontractor HUBs under the Vendor Identification Number in the comptroller's HUB directory as follows:
(1) A state agency shall report as HUB expenditures payments made to prime and subcontractor HUBs who were certified for at least one day during the reporting period.
(2) When the prime contractor is a HUB, it must perform at least 25% of the total value of the contract with its own or leased employees, as defined by the Internal Revenue Service, in order for the state agency to report all payments to the prime contractor for the contract as HUB expenditures. If a HUB prime contractor performs less than 25% of the total value of contract with its employees or leased employees, the state agency shall only report as HUB expenditures the value of the contract that was actually performed by the contractor and its HUB subcontractors.
Source Note: The provisions of this §20.287 adopted to be effective January 24, 2017, 42 TexReg 235; amended to be effective August 9, 2023, 48 TexReg 4268