(a) The comptroller shall revoke the certification of a HUB if the comptroller determines that a business does not meet the definition of HUB or that the business fails to provide requested information in connection with a certification review conducted by the comptroller. The comptroller shall provide the business with written notice of the proposed revocation. A HUB shall have 30 days from receipt of the written notice to provide written documentation through the online HUB certification system stating the basis for disputing the revocation. The comptroller shall evaluate the documentation to determine the HUB's eligibility, and provide the applicant with written notification of the decision.
(b) If a HUB is barred from participating in state contracts in accordance with Government Code, §2155.077, the comptroller shall revoke the certification of that business for a period commensurate with the debarment period.
(c) Businesses that have had their HUB status revoked may not be included in meeting statewide or state agency HUB utilization goals after the end of the last reporting period in which they held certification for at least one day.
Source Note: The provisions of this §20.291 adopted to be effective January 24, 2017, 42 TexReg 235; amended to be effective August 9, 2023, 48 TexReg 4268