(a) Pursuant to Government Code, §2172.003, the comptroller may provide assistance to any state agency regarding their printing activities. Assistance can be provided by telephone, fax, letter, e-mail or in person.
(b) The comptroller assesses and evaluates printing activities to ensure the best interests of the State of Texas are met. The comptroller may make recommendations to state agencies that will increase the productivity and cost-effectiveness of their printing operations. The assessment may include but is not limited to an appraisal of equipment, customer base, sales, printing volume, costs, and personnel.
(c) The comptroller adopted the Council on Competitive Government's (CCG) Cost Methodology as a baseline for evaluating and comparing cost of state agency printing operations. All state agency print shops in Travis County (except higher education) operate under a Franchise Agreement ("Agreement") with the comptroller, which allows state agencies currently operating a print shop to maintain direct control with general oversight provided by the comptroller through Franchise Agreements. Failure to sign the Agreement will eliminate the authority for a state agency to operate a print shop. The Agreement requires each print shop to utilize the CCG Cost Methodology in determining the cost of printing. Each print shop shall provide quarterly data to the comptroller, which will summarize this information in quarterly and annual reports.
(d) The comptroller reviews state agency requisitions for new print shop equipment, including copiers/duplicators and other printing devices used in quick copy operations. To complete the review, the state agency must provide written documentation to the comptroller. This documentation may include but is not limited to:
(1) a summary narrative justifying the proposed purchase, rent or lease of equipment;
(2) a description of the method of finance;
(3) a detailing of the model(s) of printing equipment the agency currently has that it plans to replace (if applicable);
(4) a detailing of the model(s) of printing equipment the agency plans to acquire;
(5) a detailing of current annual costs for equipment to be replaced (if applicable);
(6) a detailing of the estimated annual cost for the proposed equipment;
(7) the cost benefit of proposed equipment;
(8) the estimated volume of work which may be processed through the proposed equipment;
(9) a summary of the equipment(s) enhanced features;
(10) the number of hours per day the proposed equipment will run;
(11) the number of shifts the proposed equipment will be operated on a daily basis; and
(12) miscellaneous information that may be pertinent as a consequence of other information supplied by the agency.
(e) The comptroller shall assist state agencies with expediting the production of printing and graphic arts by serving as a source of information, facilitating disputes, hosting meetings, or performing other services.
(f) A roster of franchised print shops is maintained by the comptroller. This roster includes print shop equipment, facilities, special capabilities, and staffing. The roster will be provided to requesting entities.
(g) The comptroller will work with state agencies to ensure that printing services and supplies are purchased in the most economical manner possible. A vendor listing by commodity and services is maintained to maximize information regarding private sector suppliers. A summary vendor listing will be provided to requesting entities.
(h) The comptroller will work with state agencies to coordinate the consolidation of print shops when the agencies involved determine a consolidation is appropriate.
Source Note: The provisions of this §20.382 adopted to be effective January 24, 2017, 42 TexReg 237