(a) Purpose. This subchapter governs the use of contract travel services and state travel credit cards by state officials and employees and other eligible persons. Contract travel services may include state credit cards, travel agencies, airlines, vehicles, internet-based reservation and ticketing, lodging and other modes and necessities of state business related travel. The purpose of this subchapter is to encourage travelers to obtain the lowest overall cost of travel services. These rules do not alter, amend or affect the requirements in Government Code, Chapter 660 relating to travel or the comptroller's statutes and rules.
(b) Applicability. This subsection defines the persons and entities eligible to use contract travel services.
(1) State agencies. State agency officials and employees, in the executive branch, shall use the contract travel services as required by this subchapter whenever those services provide the most efficient travel resulting in the total lowest cost. State agencies may and are encouraged to purchase travel services at rates lower than the contract travel services rates.
(2) Other governmental entities. Officers and employees of the following entities may, but are not required to, participate in the travel services pursuant to this subchapter. These entities may use contract travel services upon approval by the comptroller of their application for the use of contract travel services:
(A) an institution of higher education as defined in Education Code, §61.003 when the entity uses travel agency services or when the services are purchased from funds other than general revenue or education or general funds as defined by Education Code, §51.009;
(B) Employees Retirement System when the travel is paid from other than general revenue funds;
(C) counties;
(D) municipalities;
(E) public junior colleges;
(F) school districts;
(G) emergency communication districts;
(H) qualified cooperative entity as the term is defined under Government Code, § 2171.055; and
(I) the supreme court, the court of criminal appeals, the courts of appeals, and other entities in the judicial branch.
(c) Official government business. Contract travel services shall be used only for official governmental business, unless the travel services contractor offers the same services for personal use. No contractor is required to allow the use of contract travel services for other than official governmental business.
Source Note: The provisions of this §20.406 adopted to be effective January 24, 2017, 42 TexReg 237; amended to be effective May 1, 2022, 47 TexReg 2561