Pursuant to Government Code, §2171.103, the comptroller shall take all steps necessary to encourage the use of alternative fuels.
(1) Each state vehicle equipped from the manufacturer or modified by a conversion facility to be capable of operating on an alternative fuel shall operate exclusively on the alternative fuel except in cases:
(A) where and when the alternative fuel is not available;
(B) the range of the alternative fuel is insufficient to complete a round trip, in which case the alternative fuel shall be used until exhausted, with conventional gasoline or diesel fuel used only as a last resort to complete the trip when the alternative fuel is unavailable;
(C) when the alternative fuel costs more than conventional gasoline or diesel;
(D) when the conversion equipment is not in working order or is deemed unsafe to operate, in which case timely repairs or inspections shall be made so that the vehicle may continue to operate on the alternative fuel; or
(E) when operating exclusively on an alternative fuel is contrary to the vehicle manufacturer's or alternative fuel conversion equipment vendor's recommendations.
(2) Each state agency will be required to provide fuel usage data semi-annually in accordance with §20.435(b)(2) of this title (relating to Vehicle Fleet Management System) on every vehicle capable of using alternative fuels through the Vehicle Fleet Management System.
Source Note: The provisions of this §20.439 adopted to be effective January 24, 2017, 42 TexReg 238