(a) In compliance with Government Code, §441.1855 and the Act, a state agency shall maintain sufficient records and reports to verify compliance with Government Code, §2155.083, the Act and these rules, including:
(1) each contract entered into by the state agency by the agency pursuant to the Act and these rules;
(2) all contract solicitation documents related to the contract;
(3) all documents that reflect and identify the basis for any agency decisions relating to a procurement, including actions taken which deviate from requirements or recommendations in the state procurement manual or contract management guide;
(4) all purchase orders, change orders, and invoices associated with the contract;
(5) all contract amendments, renewals, or extensions executed by the agency; and
(6) all other documents necessary to record the full execution and completion of the each contract.
(b) Pursuant to Government Code, §441.1855, a state agency may only destroy the contract and documents only after the seventh anniversary of the date:
(1) the contract is completed or expires; or
(2) all issues that arise from any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, open records request, administrative review, or other action involving the contract or documents are resolved.
Source Note: The provisions of this §20.508 adopted to be effective January 24, 2017, 42 TexReg 240