The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Geographic information system (GIS)--A system of computer hardware, software and procedures used to store, analyze and display geographic data and related tabular data in a geographic context to solve complex planning and management problems in a wide variety of applications.
(2) Geographic dataset--Digital data which illustrates and describes some characteristic of the earth's surface or a region near the earth's surface. A geographic dataset employs a defined, earth-based coordinate system which allows its use in a geographic information system. For the purposes of this rule, geospatial shall have the same meaning as geographic.
(3) Geographic dataset enhancement--Substantial alteration of a geographic dataset which increases its usefulness through the addition or modification of attribute (tabular) data fields, improvements in spatial accuracy, or extension of geographic coverage.
(4) Geospatial metadata--A description of the characteristics of a geographic dataset, recorded in a standard format. Characteristics include data content, quality, purpose, condition, format, spatial coordinate system, availability, etc. The Federal Geographic Data Committee has defined a formal content standard for digital geospatial metadata for use by federal agencies.
(5) GIS map product--A geographic representation, in paper or electronic format, displaying features from one or more geographic datasets. Small scale images that are clearly intended only for graphic illustration within a larger publication are not considered to be GIS map products.
(6) High priority imagery and datasets (HPIDS)--HPIDS are geographic datasets identified by the state Geographic Information Officer as high priority for acquisition or enhancement, developed or acquired by state agencies, and intended for sharing and integration into a single statewide compilation.
(7) State Geographic Information Officer (GIO)--The official coordinating, establishing, supporting, and monitoring geographic information technology in Texas pursuant to Water Code §16.021(c). The GIO serves as director of the Texas Natural Resources Information System (TNRIS) within the Texas Water Development Board.
Source Note: The provisions of this §205.1 adopted to be effective June 12, 2014, 39 TexReg 4643