(a) For each contract for the purchase of goods or services that has a value exceeding $1 million, a state agency shall develop and implement contract reporting requirements that provide information on:
(1) compliance with financial provisions and delivery schedules under the contract;
(2) corrective action plans required under the contract and the status of any active corrective action plan; and
(3) any liquidated damages assessed or collected under the contract.
(b) Each state agency shall verify:
(1) the accuracy of any information reported under subsection (a) of this section that is based on information provided by a contractor; and
(2) the delivery time of goods or services scheduled for delivery under the contract.
(c) Except as provided by subsection (d) of this section, a state agency may enter into a contract for the purchase of goods or services that has a value exceeding $1 million only if:
(1) the governing body of the state agency approves the contract and the approved contract is signed by the presiding officer of the governing body; or
(2) for a state agency that is not governed by a multimember governing body, the officer who governs the agency approves and signs the contract.
(d) The governing body or governing official of a state agency, as appropriate, may delegate to the executive director of the agency the approval and signature authority under subsection (c) of this section.
(e) A highway construction, engineering services, or maintenance contract that is in compliance with all applicable laws related to procuring engineering services or construction bidding and that is awarded by the Texas Department of Transportation under Transportation Code, Chapter 223, Subchapter A, is not required to be signed by a member of the Texas Transportation Commission or the executive director of the department. This exception does not apply to expedited highway improvement contracts under Transportation Code, Chapter 223, Subchapter C, a comprehensive development agreement entered into under Transportation Code, Chapter 223, Subchapter E, a design-build contract entered into under Transportation Code, Subchapter F, Chapter 223, or any other contract entered into by the Texas Department of Transportation.
Source Note: The provisions of this §20.511 adopted to be effective January 24, 2017, 42 TexReg 240