(a) The terms in this section are required to be used with definitions when applicable for descriptive terminology.
(b) Batting, blended, felt--Material which has been carded in layers or sheets by a garnett or felting machine. Shall not be used as an all inclusive term for material of different genera (e.g., blended cotton felt, polyester batting).
(c) Boric acid treated--Must be used in connection with filling material that has been treated with a boric acid solution as a flame retardant treatment (e.g., blended cotton felt-boric acid treated).
(d) By-products--Vegetable and synthetic fibers recovered from various machine operations up to but not including the process of spinning. Term may be used in lieu of generic terms for a mixture of like material (e.g., synthetic fiber by-product).
(e) Garnetted clippings--Materials which have been made into thread, yarn, or fabric and subsequently reduced to a fibrous state (e.g., garnetted polyester clippings, garnetted textile clippings).
(f) Pad--Material which has been interwoven, punched, pressed, formed, shaped or otherwise fabricated into a pad (e.g., sisal pad, coir fiber pad).
(g) Pieces--Urethane foam and rubber products which have been cut or broken into pieces of indefinite shape, size or form, but not shredded. The term applies to loose as well as cemented or bonded filling material (e.g., urethane foam pieces, latex foam rubber pieces).
(h) Resinated--The term must precede the generic material which has received a resin application (e.g., resinated cotton fiber pad).
(i) Rubberized--The term must precede the generic material which has received a latex application (e.g., rubberized hair pad).
(j) Shredded--Material which has been subjected to a shredding process (e.g., shredded urethane foam).
(k) Shredded clippings--Materials which have been made into thread, yarn, or fabric and subsequently cut up, torn up, broken up or ground up (e.g., shredded polyester clippings, shredded textile clippings).
(l) Waste--By-products or reclaimed materials which have the following characteristics:
(1) cotton waste containing more than 10% of hull, leaf, stem, and pulp;
(2) material which contains bits of paper, cardboard, string, etc.
(m) Extraneous terms such as "covered with," "hardwood frame," "wire gage," "filled with," etc., are not allowed.
Source Note: The provisions of this §205.6 adopted to be effective October 16, 1986, 11 TexReg 4156; amended to be effective October 3, 1999, 24 TexReg 8181