The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Commercial sign--A sign that is:
(A) at any time intended to be leased, or for which payment of any type is intended to be or is received, for the display of any good, service, brand, slogan, message, product, or company, except that the term does not include a sign that is leased to a business entity and located on the same property on which the business is located; or
(B) located on property owned or leased for the primary economic purpose of displaying a sign.
(2) Commission--The Texas Transportation Commission.
(3) Conforming sign--A sign legally erected and maintained in accordance with state and federal law, including rules and regulations.
(4) Department--The Texas Department of Transportation.
(5) Electronic sign--A commercial sign that changes its message or copy by programmable electronic or mechanical processes.
(6) Erect--To construct, build, raise, assemble, place, affix, attach, embed, create, paint, draw, or in any other way bring into being or establish.
(7) Freeway--A divided, controlled access highway for through traffic. The term includes a toll road.
(8) Highway--The width between the boundary lines of either a publicly maintained way any part of which is open to the public for vehicular travel or roadway project for which the commission has authorized the purchase of right-of-way.
(9) Interchange--A junction of two or more roadways, including frontage roads with on and off ramps, in conjunction with one or more grade separations that provides for the uninterrupted movement of traffic between two or more roadways or highways on different levels without the crossing of traffic streams.
(10) Intersection--The common area at the junction of two highways that are on the primary system. The common area includes the area within the lateral boundary lines of the roadways.
(11) Interstate highway system--Highways designated officially by the commission and approved pursuant to 23 United States Code §103 as part of the national system of interstate and defense highways.
(12) Lawfully erected--Erected before January 1, 1968 or if erected after January 1, 1968, erected in compliance with law, including rules, in effect at the time of erection or as later allowed by law.
(13) License-- A commercial sign license issued by the department.
(14) Main-traveled way--The traveled way of a highway that carries through traffic. In the case of a divided highway, the traveled way of each of the separate roadways for traffic in opposite directions is a main-traveled way. It does not include such facilities as frontage roads, turning roadways, or parking areas.
(15) Military Service Member--A person who is currently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, in a reserve component of the United States, including the National Guard, or in the state military service of any service.
(16) Military spouse--A person who is married to a military service member who is currently on active duty.
(17) Military veteran--A person who has served in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States, or in an auxiliary service of one of those branches of the armed forces.
(18) National Highway System--Highways designated officially by the commission and approved pursuant to 23 United States Code §103 as part of the national highway system.
(19) Nonconforming sign--A sign that was lawfully erected but that no longer complies with a law or rule because of changed conditions or because the law or rule was amended after the sign was erected or that fails to comply with a law enacted or rule adopted after the sign was erected. Examples of changed conditions are discontinuance of a commercial or industrial activity, decrease in the limits of an incorporated area, reclassification of a roadway, decertification of certified city, and amendment of a comprehensive local zoning ordinance from commercial to residential.
(20) Permit--Written authorization granted for the erection of a commercial sign, subject to this subchapter and Transportation Code, Chapter 391.
(21) Person--An individual, association, partnership, limited partnership, trust, corporation, or other legal entity.
(22) Primary system--Highways designated by the commission as the federal-aid primary system and any highway on the National Highway System. The term includes all roads designated as part of the National Highway System as of 1991.
(23) Processing Area--An area where actions or operations are accomplished that contribute directly to a particular commercial or industrial purpose and are performed during established activity hours.
(24) Public space--Publicly-owned land that is designated by a governmental entity as a park, forest, playground, scenic area, recreation area, wildlife or waterfowl refuge, historic site, or similar public space.
(25) Regulated highway--A highway on the interstate highway system or primary system.
(26) Rest area--An area of public land designated by the department as a rest area, comfort station, picnic area, or roadside park.
(27) Roadway--That portion of a road used for vehicular travel, exclusive of the sidewalk, berm, or shoulder.
(28) Sign--A structure, display, light, device, figure, painting, drawing, message, plaque, placard, poster, billboard, logo, or symbol that is designed, intended, or used to advertise or inform.
(29) Sign face--The part of the sign that is designed to contain information and is distinguished from other parts of the sign, including another sign face, by borders or decorative trim. The term does not include a lighting fixture, apron, or catwalk unless it displays a part of the information contents of the sign.
(30) Sign structure--All of the interrelated parts and materials that are used, designed to be used, or intended to be used to support or display information contents. The term includes, at a minimum, beams, poles, braces, apron, frame, catwalk, stringers, and a sign face.
(31) Stacked sign--A sign with two faces placed one above another on a single structure.
(32) Visible--Capable of being seen, whether or not legible, or identified without visual aid by a person operating a motor vehicle on the highways of this state.
Source Note: The provisions of this §21.142 adopted to be effective July 1, 2011, 36 TexReg 2418; amended to be effective June 19, 2014, 39 TexReg 4668; amended to be effective March 14, 2018, 43 TexReg 1446