(a) To perform customary maintenance or to make substantial changes to the sign or sign structure under §21.434 of this subchapter (relating to Repair and Maintenance) a permit holder must obtain an amended permit before initiating any action to the sign structure.
(b) To obtain an amended permit, the permit holder must submit an amended permit application on a form prescribed by the department. The amended permit application must provide the information required under §21.409 of this subchapter (relating to Permit Application) applicable to an amended permit and indicates the change from the information in the original application for the sign permit. The amended application is not required to obtain the signature of the land owner.
(c) The new sign face size, configuration, height, lighting, or location must meet all applicable requirements of this subchapter.
(d) The holder of a permit for a nonconforming sign may apply for an amended permit to perform eligible customary maintenance under §21.434 of this subchapter. An amended permit will not be issued for a substantial change, as described by §21.434(c) of this subchapter, to a nonconforming sign.
(e) Making a change to a sign, except as provided by subsection (h) of this section, without first obtaining an amended permit is a violation of this subchapter and will result in an administrative enforcement action.
(f) The department will make a decision on an amended permit application within 60 days of the date receipt of the amended permit application. If the decision cannot be made within the 60 day period the department will notify the applicant of the delay, provide the reason for the delay, and provide an estimate for when the decision will be made.
(g) If an amended permit application is denied, the applicant may file a request with the executive director for an appeal using the same procedures found in §21.170 of this chapter (relating to Appeal Process for Permit Denials).
(h) In the event of a natural disaster the department may waive the requirement that a required amended permit be issued prior to the repair of a conforming sign. If the department waives this requirement the amended permit must be submitted within 60 days of the completion of the repairs. If the repairs are in violation of these rules or the permit holder fails to submit the amended permit application the sign is subject to enforcement and removal actions.
(i) An amended permit is valid for one year after the date of the department's approval of the amended permit application. The provisions of this subchapter relating to a permit, including §21.421(g) of this subchapter (relating to Permit Renewals), apply to the amended permit. The date of the department's approval of the amended permit application is considered to be the amended permit's date of issuance.
(j) The documentation and fee required under this section must be sent to: Texas Department of Transportation, Outdoor Advertising, P.O. Box 13043, Austin, Texas 78711-3043.
(k) If a sign is built with a smaller face than the size shown on the permit application or if the face is reduced in size after it is built, an amended permit will be required to increase the size of the face.
Source Note: The provisions of this §21.423 adopted to be effective July 1, 2011, 36 TexReg 2418; amended to be effective April 19, 2012, 37 TexReg 2687; amended to be effective June 19, 2014, 39 TexReg 4668