(a) For each motor vehicle a dealer displays or offers for retail sale and which the dealer knows has been a salvage motor vehicle as defined by Transportation Code, §501.091(15) and has subsequently been titled under Transportation Code, §501.100, a dealer shall disclose in writing that the motor vehicle has been repaired, rebuilt, or reconstructed. The written disclosure must:
(1) be visible from outside of the motor vehicle; and
(2) contain lettering that is reasonable in size, stating as follows: "This motor vehicle has been repaired, rebuilt or, reconstructed after formerly being titled as a salvage motor vehicle."
(b) Upon the sale of a motor vehicle which has been a salvage motor vehicle as defined by Transportation Code, §501.091(15) and subsequently titled under Transportation Code, §501.100, a dealer shall obtain the purchaser's signature on the vehicle disclosure form or on an acknowledgement written in fourteen point or larger font that states as follows: "I, (name of purchaser), acknowledge that at the time of purchase, I am aware that this vehicle has been repaired, rebuilt, or reconstructed and was formerly titled as a salvage motor vehicle."
(c) The purchaser's acknowledgement as required in subsection (b) of this section may be incorporated in a Buyer's Order, a Purchase Order, or other disclosure document. This disclosure requires a separate signature.
(d) An original signed acknowledgement or vehicle disclosure form required by subsection (b) of this section must be given to the purchaser and a copy of the signed acknowledgement or vehicle disclosure form shall be retained by the dealer in the records of motor vehicles sales required by §215.144 of this title (relating to Vehicle Records). If the acknowledgement is incorporated in a Buyer's Order, a Purchase Order, or other disclosure document, a copy of that document must be given to the purchaser and a copy retained in the dealer's records in accordance with §215.144.
(e) This section does not apply to a wholesale motor vehicle auction.
Source Note: The provisions of this §215.160 adopted to be effective February 13, 2017, 42 TexReg 571; amended to be effective June 1, 2024, 49 TexReg 2704