(a) General Provisions. Any utility line greater than 500 feet in length will be considered a parallel line and is to be located on uniform alignment, within 10 feet or less of the property line so as to provide a safe environment and to preserve space for future railroad improvements. Utilities will be located so as to provide a safe environment and shall conform to the current National Electrical Safety Code, American Waterworks Association Specifications, Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations, and The American Railway Engineering and Maintenance Association Specifications. If laws or orders of public authority prescribe a higher degree of protection, then the higher degree of protection prescribed shall supersede the provisions of this subchapter.
(b) Overhead installations.
(1) A minimum of four feet clearance is required above signal and communication lines.
(2) Poles must be located at least 50 feet from the centerline of the railroad main, branch, and running tracks, CTC sidings, and heavy tonnage spurs. Pole location adjacent to industry tracks must provide at least a 10-foot clearance from the centerline of the track, when measured at right angles. If located adjacent to curved track, then the clearance must be increased at a rate of one and one-half inches per degree of curved track.
(3) Regardless of the voltage, unguyed poles shall be located a minimum distance from the centerline of any track, equal to the height of the pole above the ground-line plus 10 feet. If guy wiring is required, the guys shall be placed in such a manner as to keep the pole from leaning or falling in the direction of the tracks.
(4) Poles, including steel poles, must be located a minimum distance from the railroad signal and communication line equal to the height of the pole above the ground-line, or must be guyed at right angles to the lines. High voltage towers, 34.5kV and higher, must be located off railroad right of way.
(5) For proposed electrical lines paralleling tracks, the department may request that an inductive interference study be performed at the expense of the utility. Inductive interference from certain lines has the potential to disrupt the signal system in the track causing failures in the track signals and highway grade crossing warning devices. The district engineer may require an inductive interference study based on the proposed proximity of high voltage lines to other utility lines.
(c) Underground installations.
(1) Underground utility installations shall be located on top of the back slope at the outer limits of the railroad property.
(2) Pipelines laid longitudinally on state railroad right of way shall be located as far as practical from any tracks or other important structures. If located within 40 feet of the centerline of any track, the carrier pipe shall be encased or be of special design as approved by the district engineer.
(3) If the pipeline is located 40 feet or less from the centerline of the track, the pipeline shall be encased in a steel pipe subject to the approval of the department. No pipe may be placed closer than 25 feet from the centerline of the track. The pipe must be buried with a minimum cover of three feet.
(A) If less than minimum depth is necessary because of existing utilities, water table, ordinance, or similar reasons, the line shall be rerouted.
(B) Locations where it will be difficult to attain minimum depth due to wet or rocky terrain shall be avoided. Any location change from the plans must be approved by the department.
(4) The use of plastic carrier pipe for sewer, water, natural gas, and other liquids is acceptable under specific circumstances. The use of plastic pipe is satisfactory if the pipe is designed to meet AREMA and all applicable federal and state codes, and if the carrier pipe is properly encased with a steel casing pipe for the entire length on state railroad right of way.
(5) Manholes shall be limited to those necessary for installation and maintenance of underground lines and may vary as to size and shape depending on the type of utility they serve. To conserve space, their dimensions should be minimally acceptable by good engineering and safety standards. The only equipment to be installed in manholes located on the right of way is that which is essential to the normal flow of the utility, such as circuit reclosers, cable splices, relays, valves, and regulators. Other equipment shall be located outside the limits of the state railroad right of way. Manholes shall not protrude above the surrounding ground nor be located in the shoulder, shoulder slope, ditch, back slope, or within 25 feet of the centerline of the track without the approval of the department.
(6) Electric power lines.
(A) A minimum depth of three feet BNG will be maintained for 750 volts and less, and four feet BNG for greater than 750 volts.
(B) A 6-inch wide warning tape will be installed one foot BNG directly over the underground power line where located on railroad right of way outside the track ballast sections.
(7) Fiber optic lines.
(A) A minimum depth of four feet BNG is required for fiber optic cable wire lines.
(B) Whenever feasible, all cable shall be laid within five feet from property lines.
(C) A six-inch wide warning tape will be installed, one foot BNG directly over the underground fiber optic line where located on state railroad right of way outside the track ballast sections.
(D) No rail plow will be permitted.
Source Note: The provisions of this §21.909 adopted to be effective April 20, 2006, 31 TexReg 3273