A copy of a document may be admitted as evidence if authenticity is not questioned or is established by competent evidence. On request, parties shall have the opportunity to compare the copy with the original, unless it is not practicable or reasonable to do so. When numerous documents of a similar nature are offered, the presiding officer may limit those admitted to a number of documents which are representative, provided no party's rights are prejudiced thereby. The presiding officer may require a party to abstract or summarize data from documents and to present the abstract or summary in exhibit form. All parties shall have the opportunity to examine the documents from which the abstract or summary is prepared. Such abstract or summary shall be admitted into evidence in lieu of the documents from which it was prepared only if all parties agree that the abstract or summary is accurate.
Source Note: The provisions of this §22.224 adopted to be effective November 1, 1993, 18 TexReg 6641.