(a) Water supply. The water supply shall be adequate, of a safe and sanitary quality, and from a source constructed and operated in accordance with the Minimum Standards of Sanitation and Health Protection, Health and Safety Code, Chapter 341, and rules promulgated under this chapter.
(b) Sewage. All sewage, including liquid waste, shall be disposed of in a public sewerage system or, in the absence thereof, in a manner applicable with the Minimum Standards of Sanitation and Health Protection, Health and Safety Code, Chapter 341, and rules promulgated under this chapter.
(c) Plumbing. Plumbing shall be sized, installed, and maintained in accordance with applicable state and local plumbing codes.
(d) Toilet facilities.
(1) Each salvage establishment shall provide its employees with adequate and conveniently located toilet facilities.
(2) Toilet facilities, including rooms and fixtures, shall be kept in a clean condition and in good repair at all times.
(3) All toilet room doors shall be self-closing.
(4) Toilet tissue shall be provided.
(5) Easily cleanable covered receptacles shall be provided for waste materials in all toilet rooms.
(6) Where the use of non-water-carried sewage disposal facilities are approved by the department they shall be located at least 100 linear feet from the salvage establishment and from any well or stream.
(e) Hand-washing facilities. Each salvage establishment shall be provided with adequate, conveniently located hand-washing facilities for its personnel, including a lavatory or lavatories, equipped with hot and cold or tempered running water, hand-cleansing soap or detergent, and approved sanitary towels or other approved hand-drying devices. Such facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair.
(f) Garbage and refuse.
(1) All organic or organic-containing refuse shall be kept in leak proof, non-absorbent containers which shall be kept covered with tight-fitting lids when filled or stored, or not in continuous use. Such containers shall be covered when stored and stored either in a vermin-proof room or enclosure or in a waste refrigerator.
(2) Paper, cardboard, unused equipment, and non organic refuse shall be stored in containers, rooms, or areas in such a manner to prevent it from becoming a source of contamination or pest harborage.
(3) Adequate cleaning facilities shall be provided, and each container, room, or area shall be thoroughly cleaned after the emptying or removal of refuse.
(4) All refuse shall be disposed of with sufficient frequency and in such a manner as to prevent contamination.
(5) All refuse shall be disposed of in accordance with all applicable state and local requirements, including requirements for solid waste disposal as referenced in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapters 330, 335, and 336.
(g) Insect and rodent control. Effective measures shall be taken to protect against the entrance, breeding or presence of rodents, insects, and other vermin within the salvage establishment or salvage warehouse.
Source Note: The provisions of this §229.579 adopted to be effective December 17, 2002, 27 TexReg 11751; amended to be effective January 1, 2005, 29 TexReg 11984