(a) The Executive Director will appoint an Enforcement Committee, as defined in §2.102 of this chapter (relating to Definitions).
(b) The referring division will recommend the initiation of administrative penalty proceedings to the Committee by referral to the secretary of the Committee (Secretary). At the time of referral for a multifamily rental Development, the referral letter from the referring Division will require the Responsible Party who Controls the Development to provide a listing of the Actively Monitored Developments in their portfolio. The Secretary will use this information to help determine whether mandatory Debarment should be simultaneously considered by the Enforcement Committee in accordance with §2.401(e)(2) of this section, related to repeated violations.
(c) The Secretary shall promptly contact the Responsible Party. If fully acceptable corrective action documentation is submitted to the referring division before the Secretary sends an informal conference notice, the referral shall be closed with no further action provided that the Responsible Party is not subject to consideration for Debarment and provided that the referring division does not wish to move forward with the referral based upon a pattern of repeated violations. If the Secretary is not able to facilitate resolution, but receives a reasonable plan for correction, such plan shall be reported to the Committee to determine whether to schedule an informal conference, modify the plan, or accept the plan. If accepted, plan progress shall be regularly reported to the Committee, but an informal conference will not be held unless the approved plan is substantively violated, or an informal conference is later requested by the Committee or the Responsible Party. Plan examples include but are not limited to: a rehabilitation plan with a scope of work or contracts already in place, plans approved by the Department as part of the Previous Participation Review process provided for in 10 TAC Subchapter C for an ownership transfer or funding application, plans approved by the Executive Director, plans approved by the Asset Management Division, and/or plans relating to newly transferred Developments with unresolved Events of Noncompliance originating under prior ownership. Should the Secretary and Responsible Party fail to come to, an agreement or closer of the referral, or if the Responsible Party or ownership group's prior history of administrative penalty referrals does not support closure, or if consideration of Debarment is appropriate, the Secretary will schedule an informal conference with the Responsible Party to attempt to reach an agreed resolution.
(d) When an informal conference is scheduled, a deadline for submitting Corrective Action documentation will be included, providing a final opportunity for resolution. If compliance is achieved at this stage, the referral will be closed with a warning letter provided that factors, as discussed below, do not preclude such closure. Closure with a warning letter shall be reported to the Committee. Factors that will determine whether it is appropriate to close with a warning letter include, but are not limited to:
(1) Prior Enforcement Committee history relating to the Development or other properties in the ownership group;
(2) Prior Enforcement Committee history regarding similar federal or state Programs;
(3) Whether the deadline set by the Secretary in the informal conference notice has been met;
(4) Whether the Committee has set any exceptions for certain finding types; and
(5) Any other factor that may be relevant to the situation.
(e) If an informal conference is held:
(1) Notwithstanding the Responsible Party's attendance or presence of an authorized representative, the Enforcement Committee may proceed with the informal conference;
(2) The Responsible Party may, but is not required to be, represented by legal counsel of their choosing at their own cost and expense;
(3) The Responsible Party may bring to the meeting third parties, employees, and agents with knowledge of the issues;
(4) Assessment of an administrative penalty and Debarment may be considered at the same informal conference; and
(5) In order to facilitate candid dialogue, an informal conference will not be open to the public; however, the Committee may include such other persons or witnesses as the Committee deems necessary for a complete and full development of relevant information and evidence.
(f) An informal conference may result in the following, which shall be reported to the Executive Director:
(1) An agreement to dismiss the matter with no further action;
(2) A compliance assistance notice issued by the Committee, available for Responsible Parties appearing for the first time before the Committee for matters which the Committee determines do not necessitate the assessment of an administrative penalty, but for which the Committee wishes to place the Responsible Party on notice with regard to possible future penalty assessment;
(3) An agreement to resolve the matter through corrective action without penalty with a clear timeline included. If the agreement is to be included in an order, a proposed agreed order will be prepared and presented to the Board for approval;
(4) An agreement to resolve the matter through corrective action with the assessment of an administrative penalty which may be probated in whole or in part, and may, where appropriate, include additional action to promote compliance such as requirements to obtain training. In this circumstance, a proposed agreed order will be prepared and presented to Department's Governing Board for approval;
(5) A recommendation by the Committee to the Executive Director to determine that a violation occurred, and to issue a report to the Board and a Notice of Violation to the Responsible Party, seeking the assessment of administrative penalties through a contested case hearing with the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH); or
(6) Other action as the Committee deems appropriate.
(g) Upon receipt of a recommendation from the Committee regarding the issuance of a report and assessment of an administrative penalty under subsection (f)(5), the Executive Director shall determine whether a violation has occurred. If needed, the Executive Director may request additional information and/or return the recommendation to the Committee for further development. If the Executive Director determines that a violation has occurred, the Executive Director will issue a report to the Board in accordance with §2306.043 of the Texas Government Code.
(h) Not later than 14 days after issuance of the report to the Board, the Executive Director will issue a Notice of Violation to the Responsible Party, along with a Notice of Violation for Property Posting (which shall be printed and posted in two prominent places on the property subject to the Notice, and photographic proof of the posting shall be made). The Notice of Violation issued by the Executive Director will include:
(1) A summary of the alleged violation(s) together with reference to the particular sections of the statutes and rules alleged to have been violated;
(2) A statement informing the Responsible Party of the right to a hearing before the SOAH, if applicable, on the occurrence of the violation(s), the amount of penalty, or both;
(3) Any other matters deemed relevant, including the requirements regarding the Notice of Violation for Property Posting; and
(4) The amount of the recommended penalty. In determining the amount of a recommended administrative penalty, the Executive Director shall take into consideration the statutory factors at Tex. Gov't Code §2306.042 the penalty schedule shown in the tables in subsection (k) of this section and in the instance of a proceeding to assess administrative penalties against a Responsible Party administering the annual block grant portion of CDBG, CSBG, or LIHEAP, whether the assessment of such penalty will interfere with the uninterrupted delivery of services under such program(s). The Executive Director shall further take into account whether the Department's purposes may be achieved or enhanced by the use of full or partial probation of penalties subject to adherence to specific requirements and whether the violation(s) in question involve disallowed costs.
(i) Not later than 20 days after the Responsible Party receives the Notice of Violation, the Responsible Party may accept the requirements of the Notice of Violation or request a SOAH hearing.
(j) If the Responsible Party requests a hearing or does not respond to the Notice of Violation, the Executive Director, with the approval of the Board, shall cause the hearing to be docketed before a SOAH administrative law judge in accordance with §1.13 of this title (relating to Contested Case Hearing Procedures), which outlines the remainder of the process.
(k) Penalty schedules.
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Source Note: The provisions of this §2.302 adopted to be effective April 1, 2021, 46 TexReg 1992; amended to be effective March 28, 2024, 49 TexReg 1891