(a) Educational Diagnostician Certificate Standards. The knowledge and skills identified in this section must be used by an educator preparation program in the development of curricula and coursework and by the State Board for Educator Certification as the basis for developing the examination required to obtain the standard Educational Diagnostician Certificate. The standards also serve as the foundation for the professional growth plan and continuing professional education activities required by §239.85 of this title (relating to Requirements to Renew the Standard Educational Diagnostician Certificate).
(b) Standard I. The educational diagnostician understands and applies knowledge of the purpose, philosophy, and legal foundations of evaluation and special education.
(1) The educational diagnostician knows and understands:
(A) state and federal regulations relevant to the role of the educational diagnostician;
(B) laws and legal issues related to the assessment and evaluation of individuals with educational needs;
(C) models, theories, and philosophies that provide the basis for special education evaluations;
(D) issues, assurances, and due process rights related to evaluation, eligibility, and placement in the least restrictive environment within a continuum of services; and
(E) rights and responsibilities of parents/guardians, schools, students, and teachers and other professionals in relation to individual learning needs.
(2) The educational diagnostician is able to:
(A) articulate the purpose of evaluation procedures and their relationship to educational programming; and
(B) conduct evaluations and other professional activities consistent with the requirements of laws, rules and regulations, and local district policies and procedures.
(c) Standard II. The educational diagnostician understands and applies knowledge of ethical and professional practices, roles, and responsibilities.
(1) The educational diagnostician knows and understands:
(A) ethical practices regarding procedural safeguards (e.g., confidentiality issues, informed consent) for individuals with disabilities;
(B) ethical practices related to assessment and evaluation;
(C) qualifications necessary to administer and interpret various instruments and procedures; and
(D) organizations and publications relevant to the field of educational diagnosis.
(2) The educational diagnostician is able to:
(A) demonstrate commitment to developing quality educational opportunities appropriate for individuals with disabilities;
(B) demonstrate positive regard for the culture, gender, and personal beliefs of individual students;
(C) promote and maintain a high level of competence and integrity in the practice of the profession;
(D) exercise objective professional judgment in the practice of the profession;
(E) engage in professional activities that benefit individuals with exceptional learning needs, their families, and/or colleagues;
(F) comply with local, state, and federal monitoring and evaluation requirements;
(G) use copyrighted educational materials in an ethical manner; and
(H) participate in the activities of professional organizations in the field of educational diagnosis.
(d) Standard III. The educational diagnostician develops collaborative relationships with families, educators, the school, the community, outside agencies, and related service personnel.
(1) The educational diagnostician knows and understands:
(A) strategies for promoting effective communication and collaboration with others, including parents/guardians and school and community personnel, in a culturally responsive manner;
(B) concerns of parents/guardians of individuals with exceptional learning needs and appropriate strategies to help parents/guardians address these concerns;
(C) strategies for developing educational programs for individuals through collaboration with team members;
(D) roles of individuals with disabilities, parents/caregivers, teachers, and other school and community personnel in planning educational programs for individuals; and
(E) family systems and the role of families in supporting student development and educational progress.
(2) The educational diagnostician is able to:
(A) use collaborative strategies in working with individuals with disabilities, parents/caregivers, and school and community personnel in various learning environments;
(B) communicate and consult effectively with individuals, parents/guardians, teachers, and other school and community personnel;
(C) foster respectful and beneficial relationships between families and education professionals;
(D) encourage and assist individuals with disabilities and their families to become active participants in the educational team;
(E) plan and conduct collaborative conferences with individuals who have exceptional learning needs and their families or primary caregivers;
(F) collaborate with classroom teachers and other school and community personnel in including individuals with exceptional learning needs in various learning environments;
(G) communicate with classroom teachers, administrators, and other school personnel about characteristics and needs of individuals with disabilities;
(H) use appropriate communication skills to report and interpret assessment and evaluation results;
(I) provide assistance to others who collect informal and observational data;
(J) effectively communicate to parents/guardians and professionals the purposes, methods, findings, and implications of assessments; and
(K) keep accurate and detailed records of assessments, evaluations, and related proceedings (e.g., admission, review, and dismissal/individualized education program (ARD/IEP) meetings, parent/guardian communications and notifications).
(e) Standard IV. The educational diagnostician understands and applies knowledge of student assessment and evaluation, program planning, and instructional decision making.
(1) The educational diagnostician knows and understands:
(A) the characteristics, needs, and rights of individual students in relation to assessment and evaluation for placement in the least restrictive environment within a continuum of services;
(B) the relationship between evaluation and placement decisions; and
(C) the role of team members, including the student when appropriate, in planning an individualized program.
(2) The educational diagnostician is able to:
(A) use assessment and evaluation information to plan individualized programs, establish measurable annual goals and objectives, and make instructional decisions that result in appropriate services for individuals with disabilities, including those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds;
(B) interpret and use assessment and evaluation data for targeted instruction and ongoing review; and
(C) assist in identifying realistic expectations for educationally relevant behavior (e.g., vocational, functional, academic, social) in various settings.
(f) Standard V. The educational diagnostician knows eligibility criteria and procedures for identifying students with disabilities and determining the presence of an educational need.
(1) The educational diagnostician knows and understands:
(A) characteristics of individuals with disabilities, including those with different levels of severity and with multiple disabilities;
(B) educational implications of various disabilities; and
(C) the variation in ability exhibited by individuals with particular types of disabilities.
(2) The educational diagnostician is able to:
(A) access information on the cognitive, communicative, physical, social, and emotional characteristics of individuals with disabilities and the assistive technology needs of those students;
(B) gather background information regarding the academic, medical, and family history of individuals with disabilities; and