(a) The Department may debar a Responsible Party, a Consultant and/or a Vendor who has exhibited past failure to comply with any condition imposed by the Department in the administration of its programs. A Responsible Party, Consultant or Vendor may be referred to the Committee for Debarment for any of the following:
(1) Refusing to provide an acceptable plan to implement and adhere to procedures to ensure compliant operation of the program after being placed on Modified Cost Reimbursement;
(2) Refusing to repay disallowed costs;
(3) Refusing to enter into a plan to repay disallowed costs or egregious violations of an agreed repayment plan;
(4) Meeting any of the ineligibility criteria referenced in §11.202 of this title (relating to Ineligible Applicants and Applications) or other ineligibility criteria outlined in a Program Rule, with the exception of: ineligibility related to conflicts of interest disclosed to the Department for review, and ineligibility identified in a previous participation review in conjunction with an application for funds or resources (unless otherwise eligible for Debarment under this Subchapter D);
(5) Providing fraudulent information, knowingly falsified documentation, or other intentional or negligent material misrepresentation or omission with regard to any documentation, certification or other representation made to the Department;
(6) Failing to correct Events of Noncompliance as required by an order that became effective after April 1, 2021, and/or failing to pay an administrative penalty as required by such order, within six months of a demand being issued by the Department. In this circumstance, if the Debarment process is initiated but the Responsible Party fully corrects the findings of noncompliance to the satisfaction of the referring division and pays the administrative penalty as required by the order before the Debarment is finalized by the Board, the Debarment recommendation may be cancelled or withdrawn by Committee recommendation and Executive Director concurrence. This type of referral would be initiated by the Secretary;
(7) Controlling a multifamily Development that was foreclosed after April 1, 2021, where the foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure terminates a subordinate TDHCA LURA;
(8) Controlling a multifamily Development and allowing a change in ownership after April 1, 2021, without Department approval;
(9) Transferring a Development, after April 1, 2021, without regard for a Right of First Refusal requirement;
(10) Being involuntary removed, or replaced due to a default by the General Partner under the Limited Partnership Agreement, after April 1, 2021;
(11) Controlling a multifamily Development and failing to correct Events of Noncompliance before the expiration of a Land Use Restriction Agreement, after the effective date of this rule;
(12) Refusing to comply with conditions approved by the Board that were recommended by the Executive Award Review Advisory Committee after April 1, 2021;
(13) Having any Event of Noncompliance that occurs after April 1, 2021, that causes the Department to be required to repay federal funds to any federal agency including, but not limited to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and/or
(14) Submitting a written certification that non-compliance has been corrected when it is determined that the Event of Noncompliance was not corrected. For certain Events of Noncompliance, in lieu of documentation, the Compliance Division accepts a written certification that noncompliance has been corrected. If it is determined that the Event of Noncompliance was not corrected, a Person who signed the certification may be recommended for debarment;
(15) Refusing to provide an amenity required by the LURA after April 1, 2021;
(16) Failing to reserve units for Section 811 PRA participants after April 1, 2021;
(17) Failing to notify the Department of the availability of 811 PRA units after April 1, 2021;
(18) Taking "choice limiting" actions prior to receiving HUD environmental clearance (24 CFR §58.22);
(19) Substandard construction, as defined by the Program, and repeated failure to conduct required inspections;
(20) Repeated failure to provide eligible match. 24 CFR §92.220, 24 CFR §576.201, and as required by NOFA;
(21) Repeated failure to report program income. 24 CFR §200.80, 24 CFR §570.500, 24 CFR §576.407(c), 24 CFR §92. 503, (as applicable), and 10 TAC §20.9, or as defined by Program Rule;
(22) Participating in activities leading to or giving the appearance of "Conflict of Interest". As applicable, in 2 CFR Part 215 2 CFR Part 200. 24 CFR §93.353, §92.356 24 CFR, §570.489, 24 CFR §576.404, 10 TAC §20.9, or as defined by Program Rule;
(23) Repeated material financial system deficiencies. As applicable, 2 CFR Part 200, 24 CFR §§, 92.205, 92.206, 92.350, 92.505, and 92.508, 2 CFR Part 215, 2 CFR Part 225 (if applicable), 2 CFR Part 230 (, 10 TAC §20.9, Uniform Grant Management Standards, and Texas Grant Management Standards (as applicable), and as defined by Program Rule.
(24) Repeated violations of Single Audit or other programmatic audit requirements;
(25) Failure to remain a CHDO for Department committed HOME funds;
(26) Commingling of funds, Misapplication of funds;
(27) Refusing to submit a required Audit Certification Form, Single Audit, or other programmatic audit;
(28) Refusing to timely respond to reports/provide required correspondence;
(29) Failure to timely expend funds; and
(30) A Monitoring Event determines that 50% or more of the client or household files reviewed do not contain required documentation to support income eligibility or indicate that the client or household is not income eligible.
(b) The Department shall debar any Responsible Party, Consultant, or Vendor who is debarred from participation in any program administered by the United States Government.
(c) Debarment for violations of the Department's Multifamily Programs. The Department shall debar any Responsible Party who has materially or repeatedly violated any condition imposed by the Department in connection with the administration of a Department program, including but not limited to a material or repeated violation of a land use restriction agreement (LURA) or Contract. Subsection (d) of this section provides the criteria the Department will use to determine if there has been a material violation of a LURA. Subsections (e)(1) and (e)(2) of this section provide the criteria the Department shall use to determine if there have been repeated violations of a LURA.
(d) Material violations of a LURA. A Responsible Party will be considered to have materially violated a LURA, Program Agreement, or condition imposed by the Department and shall be referred to the committee for mandatory Debarment if they:
(1) Control a Development that has, on more than one occasion scored 50 or less on a UPCS inspection or has, on more than one occasion scored 50 or less on a NSPIRE inspection, or any combination thereof. The Compliance Division may temporarily decrease this NSPIRE score threshold with approval by the Executive Director, for a period of time not longer than one year, so long as the score threshold is applied evenly to all properties;
(2) Refuse to allow a monitoring visit when proper notice was provided or failed to notify residents, resulting in inspection cancellation, or otherwise fails to make units and records available;
(3) Refuse to reduce rents to less than the highest allowed under the LURA;
(4) Refuse to correct a UPCS, NSPIRE, or final construction inspection deficiency after the effective date of this rule;
(5) Fail to meet minimum set aside by the end of the first year of the credit period (HTC Developments only) after April 1, 2021; or
(6) Excluding an individual or family from admission to the Development solely because the household participates in the HOME Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program, the housing choice voucher program under Section 8, United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. §1-437), or other federal, state, or local government rental assistance program after April 1, 2021.
(e) Repeated Violations of a LURA that shall be referred to the Committee for Debarment.
(1) A Responsible Party shall be referred to the Committee for mandatory Debarment if they Control a Development that, during two Monitoring Events in a row is found to be out of compliance with the following Events of Noncompliance:
(A) No evidence of, or failure to certify to, material participation of a non-profit or HUB, if required by the Land Use Restriction Agreement;