(a) In order to be eligible to transplant cannabis plants, a license holder must acquire a lot permit for the initial area of cultivation and indicate the final transplantation area, and anticipated date of transplant.
(b) The area where a license holder who transplants initially cultivates cannabis plants and the final transplantation area shall constitute one lot with two (2) registered geospatial locations.
(c) A license holder shall not divide a lot from the initial area of cultivation for transplant into more than one (1) transplantation area.
(d) In the event the initial area of cultivation is not within the same facility as the final transplantation area, the license holder who transplants must request a transport manifest from the Department before transporting a lot of cannabis plants to a separate facility for transplanting purposes. A transport manifest shall be valid for five (5) days from the date of issuance.
(e) A sale or transfer of a lot of cannabis plants from a license holder to another license holder for transplant is considered a harvest.
Source Note: The provisions of this §24.15 adopted to be effective March 11, 2020, 45 TexReg 1655