Sec. 25.094. AGREEMENT FOR DISMISSAL OF PARENT CONTRIBUTING TO NONATTENDANCE CHARGE. (a) A parent against whom a complaint under Section 25.093 has been filed and the school district at which the parent's child is enrolled may enter into a written agreement requiring the parent to complete counseling, training, or another program as designated by the school district.
(b) A parent who fulfills the terms of an agreement described by Subsection (a) not later than the 30th day after the date on which the complaint was filed or within the period provided by the agreement is entitled to dismissal of the complaint in accordance with Article 45.0531(b), Code of Criminal Procedure.
(c) The agency may adopt rules and materials necessary to implement this section, including by:
(1) making standardized agreement forms available to school districts;
(2) recommending state and local counseling, training, or other program options that a school district may require in an agreement under this section, which may include:
(A) faith-based counseling or training programs; or
(B) other programs that provide instruction designed to assist a parent in identifying problems that contribute to unexcused absences by the parent's child and in developing strategies for resolving those problems; and
(3) requiring relevant programs, resources, and materials to be made available through regional educational service centers.
Added by Acts 2023, 88th Leg., R.S., Ch. 749 (H.B. 3917), Sec. 2, eff. September 1, 2023.