(a) Meter tests prior to installation. No permanently installed meter shall be placed in service unless its accuracy has been established. If any permanently installed meter is removed from actual service and replaced by another meter for any purpose, it shall be properly tested and adjusted before being placed back in service unless such meter is monitored by a test program approved by the commission.
(b) Testing of meters in service. Meter test periods for all types of meters shall conform to the latest edition of American National Standards Institute, Incorporated (ANSI) Standard C12 unless specified otherwise by the commission.
(c) Meter tests on request of customer.
(1) Each electric utility shall, upon the request of a customer, test the accuracy of the customer's meter at no charge to the customer. The test shall be made during the electric utility's normal working hours and shall be scheduled to accommodate the customer or the customer's authorized representative, if the customer desires to observe the test. The test should be made on the customer's premises, but may, at the electric utility's discretion, be made at the electric utility's test laboratory.
(2) If the meter has been tested by the electric utility, or by an authorized agency, at the customer's request, and within a period of four years the customer requests a new test, the electric utility shall make the test. However, if the subsequent test finds the meter to be within ANSI's accuracy standards, the electric utility may charge the customer a fee, which represents the cost of testing at a rate specified in the electric utility's approved tariffs.
(3) Following the completion of any requested test, the electric utility shall promptly advise the customer of the date of removal of the meter, the date of the test, the result of the test, and who made the test.
(d) Meter testing facilities and equipment.
(1) Laboratory equipment. Each electric utility furnishing metered electric service shall, either with its own facilities or a standardizing laboratory of recognized standing, provide such meter laboratory, standard meters, instruments and other equipment and facilities as may be necessary to make the meter tests required by these rules. Such equipment and facilities shall generally conform to ANSI Standard C12, unless otherwise prescribed by the commission, and shall be available at all reasonable times for inspection by the commission's authorized representatives.
(2) Portable test equipment. Each electric utility furnishing metered electric service shall provide portable test instruments for testing billing meters.
(3) Reference standards. Each electric utility shall provide or have access to suitable indicating electrical instruments as reference standards for insuring the accuracy of shop and portable instruments used for testing billing meters.
(4) Testing of reference standards. Reference standards of all kinds shall be submitted once each year or on a scheduled basis approved by the commission to a standardizing laboratory of recognized standing, for the purpose of test and adjustment.
(5) Calibration of test equipment. All shop and portable instruments used for testing billing meters shall be calibrated by comparing them with a reference standard at least every 120 days during the time such test instruments are being regularly used. Test equipment shall at all times be accompanied by a certified calibration card signed by the proper authority, giving the date when it was last certified and adjusted. Records of certifications and calibrations shall be kept on file in the office of the electric utility.
Source Note: The provisions of this §25.124 adopted to be effective June 11, 1998, 23 TexReg 6207.