For purposes of this subchapter, the following terms have the following meanings unless the context indicates otherwise:
(1) Meter tampering or tampering--any unauthorized alteration, manipulation, change, or modification of a meter or metering equipment, the diversion or bypass of the meter so that consumption is not properly registered and recorded, interference with or obstruction of meter communications, or alteration of meter data that could adversely affect the integrity of billing data or the electric utility's ability to collect, record, and process the data needed for billing or settlement. Meter tampering includes, but is not limited to, harming or defacing the electric utility's metering facilities, physically or electronically disorienting the meter, attaching objects to the meter, inserting objects into the meter, altering billing or settlement data, construction of electrical pathways that bypass the meter in whole or part, or other electrical or mechanical means of preventing the metering equipment from accurately registering, recording, and reporting accurate consumption information.
(2) Meter repair and restoration charges--any fees or charges for replacing a meter, repairing a meter, restoring the condition of and securing metering facilities, removing any device that permits the meter to be bypassed, or repairing any other damage to the utility's facilities as authorized by the electric utility's tariff, including all other costs associated with the investigation and correction of the unauthorized use.
Source Note: The provisions of this §25.132 adopted to be effective July 1, 2010, 35 TexReg 4669