(a) Purpose. The purposes of this section are to:
(1) Establish a solar renewable portfolio standard pursuant to Section 53 of House Bill 1500, enacted by the 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, to be phased out by September 1, 2025; and
(2) Direct the independent organization certified under PURA §39.151 for the ERCOT region to continue to administer a renewable energy credit (REC) trading program on a voluntary basis.
(b) Application. This section applies to power generation companies as defined in §25.5 of this title (relating to Definitions), and retail entities as defined in subsection (c) of this section.
(c) Definitions.
(1) Compliance period--A calendar year beginning January 1 and ending December 31 in which renewable energy credits are generated.
(2) Compliance premium--A premium awarded by the program administrator in conjunction with a solar renewable energy credit that is generated by a renewable energy source that meets the criteria of subsection (e)(2)(A) of this section. For the purpose of the solar renewable energy portfolio standard requirements, one compliance premium is equal to one solar renewable energy credit.
(3) Designated representative--A person authorized by the owners or operators of a renewable resource to register that resource with the program administrator. The designated representative must have the authority to represent and legally bind the owners and operators of the renewable resource in all matters pertaining to the renewable energy credit trading program.
(4) Existing facilities--Renewable energy generators placed in service before September 1, 1999.
(5) Generation offset technology--Any renewable technology that reduces the demand for electricity at a site where a customer consumes electricity. An example of this technology is solar water heating.
(6) Microgenerator--A customer who owns one or more eligible renewable energy generating units with a rated capacity of less than one megawatt (1 MW) operating on the customer's side of the utility meter.
(7) New facilities--Solar renewable energy generators placed in service on or after September 1, 1999. A new facility includes the incremental capacity and associated energy from an existing renewable facility achieved through repowering activities undertaken on or after September 1, 1999.
(8) Off-grid generation--The generation of renewable energy in an application that is not interconnected to a utility transmission or distribution system.
(9) Opt-out notice--Written notice submitted to the commission by a transmission-level voltage customer.
(10) Program administrator--The entity responsible for carrying out the administrative responsibilities related to the REC trading program and the solar renewable portfolio standard as set forth in this section. In accordance with PURA §39.9113, the program administrator is the independent organization certified under PURA §39.151 for the ERCOT region.
(11) REC aggregator--An entity managing the participation of two or more microgenerators in the REC trading program.
(12) REC offset (offset)--A REC offset represents one megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable energy from an existing facility that is not eligible to earn renewable energy credits or compliance premiums.
(13) Renewable energy credit (REC)--A REC represents one MWh of renewable energy that is physically metered and verified in Texas and meets the requirements set forth in subsection (e)(1)(A) of this section.
(14) Renewable energy credit account (REC account)--An account maintained by the program administrator for the purpose of tracking the production, sale, transfer, purchase, and retirement of RECs, solar RECs, or compliance premiums by a program participant.
(15) Renewable energy credit trading program (trading program)--The process of awarding, trading, tracking, and submitting RECs as a means of meeting the renewable energy requirements set out in subsection (g) of this section.
(16) Renewable energy resource (renewable resource)--A resource that produces energy derived from renewable energy technologies.
(17) Renewable energy technology--Any technology that exclusively relies on an energy source that is naturally regenerated over a short time and derived directly from the sun, indirectly from the sun, or from moving water or other natural movements and mechanisms of the environment. Renewable energy technologies include those that rely on energy derived directly from the sun, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, wave, or tidal energy, or on biomass or biomass-based waste products, including landfill gas. A renewable energy technology does not rely on energy resources derived from fossil fuels, waste products from fossil fuels, or waste products from inorganic sources.
(18) Repowered facility--An existing facility that has been modernized or upgraded to use renewable energy technology to produce electricity consistent with this rule.
(19) Retail entity--Municipally-owned utilities, generation and transmission cooperatives and distribution cooperatives that offer customer choice, retail electric providers (REPs), and investor-owned utilities that have not unbundled under PURA Chapter 39.
(20) Settlement period--The period following a compliance period in which the settlement process for that compliance period takes place as set forth in subsection (i) of this subsection.
(21) Small producer--A renewable resource that is less than ten megawatts (10 MW) in size.
(22) Solar renewable energy credit (solar REC)--A REC representing one MWh of renewable energy that is physically metered and verified in Texas and meets the requirements set forth in subsection (e)()(2) of this section.
(23) Solar renewable portfolio standard (solar RPS) - The amount of solar capacity required in subsection (e)(2) of this section to implement Section 53 of House Bill 1500 enacted by the 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session.
(24) Transmission-level voltage customer--A customer that receives electric service at 60 kilovolts (kV) or higher or that receives electric service directly through a utility-owned substation that is connected to the transmission network at 60 kV or higher.
(d) Certification of renewable energy facilities. The commission will certify all renewable facilities that will produce either REC offsets, RECs, solar RECs, or compliance premiums for sale in the trading program. To be awarded REC offsets, RECs, solar RECs, or compliance premiums, a power generator must complete the certification process described in this subsection. The program administrator must not award REC offsets, RECs, solar RECs, or compliance premiums for energy produced by a power generator before it has been certified by the commission.
(1) The designated representative of the generating facility must file an application with the commission on a form approved by the commission for each renewable energy generation facility. At a minimum, the application must include the location, owner, technology, and rated capacity of the facility, and must demonstrate that the facility meets the resource eligibility criteria in subsection (e) of this section. Any subsequent changes to the information in the application must be filed with the commission within 30 days of such changes.
(2) No later than 30 days after the designated representative files the certification form with the commission, the commission will inform both the program administrator and the designated representative whether the renewable facility has met the certification requirements. At that time, the commission will either certify the renewable facility as eligible to receive REC offsets, RECs, solar RECs, or compliance premiums or describe any insufficiencies to be remedied. If the application is contested, the time for acting is extended for such time as is necessary for commission action.
(3) Upon receiving notice of certification of new facilities, the program administrator will create a REC account for the designated representative of the renewable resource.
(4) The commission or program administrator may make on-site visits to any certified facility, and the commission will decertify any facility if it is not in compliance with the provisions of this subsection.
(5) A decertified renewable generator may not be awarded RECs, solar RECs, or compliance premiums. However, any RECs, solar RECs, REC offsets, or compliance premiums awarded by the program administrator and transferred to a retail entity prior to the decertification remain valid.