(a) Application. This section applies to transmission and distribution utilities, excluding river authorities; an electric utility subject to Public Utility Regulatory Act (PURA) Chapter 39, Subchapter L; distributed renewable generation owners as defined in §25.217 of this title (relating to Distributed Renewable Generation); and the entity responsible for settlement.
(b) Metering.
(1) Upon request by a customer that has, or is in the process of installing distributed renewable generation with a capacity of less than 50 kilowatts (kW) on the retail electric customer's side of the meter and that desires to measure the generation's out-flow production, an electric utility shall provide metering at the point of common coupling using one or two meters that separately measure both the customer's electricity consumption from the distribution network and the out-flow that is delivered from the customer's side of the meter to the distribution network and separately report each metered value to the transmission and distribution utility. The two metered values shall be separately accounted for by the entity responsible for settlement.
(2) Upon request by a retail electric customer that has, or is in the process of installing distributed renewable generation with a capacity equal to or greater than 50 kW up to 2,000 kW on the retail electric customer's side of the meter, an electric utility shall provide one or two interval data recorders at the point of common coupling that separately measure both the customer's electricity consumption from the distribution network and the out-flow that is delivered from the retail electric customer's side of the meter to the distribution network and separately report each metered value to the transmission and distribution utility. The two metered values shall be separately accounted for by the entity responsible for settlement.
(3) Upon request by a retail electric customer that has, or is in the process of installing distributed renewable generation with a capacity of less than 50 kW on the retail electric customer's side of the meter and that does not desire to measure the generation's out-flow production, an electric utility shall provide metering in accordance with paragraph (1) of this subsection or, at the electric utility's option, install a meter that measures the customer's electricity consumption from the distribution network but does not measure the out-flow that is delivered from the retail electric customer's side of the meter to the distribution network. Unless an existing distributed renewable generation owner requests to have the existing meter replaced, the electric utility may, at its option and expense, replace an existing distributed renewable generation owner's meter with a meter of a type specified in this rule.
(4) Pursuant to the applicable schedule in its tariff, an electric utility shall charge for the customer's electricity consumption from the distribution network as measured by the metering installed pursuant to paragraph (1), (2) or (3) of this subsection.
(5) An electric utility shall not provide metering for purposes of PURA §39.914(d) and PURA §39.916(f), that is inconsistent with paragraph (1), (2) or (3) of this subsection, unless ordered by the commission.
(6) The distributed renewable generation owner shall pay any significant differential cost of the metering.
(7) Electric utilities shall file tariffs for metering under this section within 60 days of its effective date.
(8) Distributed renewable generation owners may begin selling out-flow at any time. Electric utilities are required to comply with paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) of this subsection, as they relate to reporting the two metered values. The entity responsible for settlement is required to accept the meter data provided pursuant to paragraph (1), (2) or (3) of this subsection.
(9) The entity responsible for settlement shall have a process for settlement of electricity consumption and out-flow that reflects time of generation.
(c) Metering Provisions Specific to an Electric Utility Subject to PURA Chapter 39, Subchapter L.
(1) This subsection applies to an electric utility subject to PURA Chapter 39, Subchapter L.
(2) An electric utility shall provide the additional option of interconnection through a single meter that runs forward and backward for a customer that is either:
(A) an apartment house occupied by low-income elderly tenants that qualifies for master metering under Texas Utilities Code §184.012(b) and the distributed renewable generation is reasonably expected to generate not less than 50 percent of the apartment house's annual electricity use; or
(B) has a qualifying facility with a design capacity of 50 kW or less and that uses a renewable energy resource.
(3) The net metering option provided by paragraph (2) of this subsection is available only if the distributed renewable generation or qualifying facility is rated to produce an amount of electricity that is less than or equal to:
(A) the customer's estimated annual kilowatt-hour consumption for a new apartment house or qualifying facility; or
(B) the amount of electricity the customer consumed in the year before installation of the distributed renewable generation or qualifying facility.
(4) Measured net consumption shall be billed under the electric utility's standard tariff schedule applicable to the customer. Measured net production shall be purchased in accordance with §25.217 of this title.
(5) The electric utility shall credit the payments to the customer's monthly electric service bill, and specify in the bill the amount of non-firm energy purchased in kilowatt hours. If the payment for non-firm energy supplied to the electric utility exceeds the total of the owner's monthly electric service bill, a credit balance of not more than $50 shall be carried forward to the owner's next monthly bill. The electric utility shall refund to the customer a credit balance that is not carried forward, or the portion of a credit balance that exceeds $50, if the credit balance is carried forward.
(6) An electric utility shall install, maintain, and retain ownership of the meter(s) and metering equipment installed for purposes of this subsection and may install load research metering equipment on the premises of the owner, at no expense to the owner.
(7) At the request of an electric utility, the customer shall:
(A) provide and install a meter socket, a metering cabinet, or both a socket and cabinet at a location designated by the electric utility on the premises of the owner; and
(B) provide, at no expense to the electric utility, a suitable location for the electric utility to install meters and equipment associated with billing and load research.
Source Note: The provisions of this §25.213 adopted to be effective May 14, 2008, 33 TexReg 3735; amended to be effective March 26, 2014, 39 TexReg 2074