(a) Purpose.
(1) The purpose of the true-up proceeding is to quantify and reconcile the amount of stranded costs, the differences in the price of power obtained through the capacity auctions and the power costs used in the excess costs over market (ECOM) model; the results of the annual reports; the level of excess revenues, net of nonbypassable delivery charges, from customers who continue to pay the price to beat (PTB); the reasonable regulatory assets not previously approved in a rate order that are being recovered through competition transition charges (CTCs) or transition charges (TCs); and the final fuel balances. The purpose of the true-up proceeding is also to provide for the recovery of regulatory assets not already approved for securitization that were to be considered in future proceedings pursuant to a commission financing order in a securitization case.
(2) An electric utility, together with its affiliated retail electric provider (AREP), its affiliated power generation company (APGC), and its affiliated transmission and distribution utility (TDU), shall not be permitted to over-recover stranded costs through the application of the measures provided in the Public Utility Regulatory Act (PURA), Chapter 39, or under the procedures established in PURA §39.262 and this section.
(b) Application. This section applies to all investor-owned transmission and distribution utilities established pursuant to PURA §39.051, their APGCs, and their AREPs. In addition, the reporting requirements of subsection (j)(6) of this section apply to all retail electric providers (REPs) serving residential and small commercial customers.
(c) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings unless the context indicates otherwise:
(1) Capacity auction total price of power ($/MWh)--The total (fuel plus non-fuel) capacity auction revenues for entitlements to capacity for the years 2002 and 2003 divided by the total capacity auction energy (expressed in MWh) scheduled to be delivered for those entitlements over the same time period.
(2) Independent third party--The party designated by the commission to perform the duties described in subsection (j) of this section.
(3) Mitigation--The total excess earnings and redirected depreciation applied to generation assets pursuant to PURA §39.254 and §39.256 or a commission order issued after 1996 that approved a utility's transition case.
(4) Net mitigation--Any mitigation that has not been reversed or refunded as of the date of the final order in the true-up proceeding.
(5) Net value realized--All compensation paid by a buyer for generation assets, including the buyer's assumption of debt, less any costs of sale such as legal fees, broker fees, and other reasonable transaction costs.
(6) Projected stranded costs--The value produced by the ECOM model and approved by the commission in the proceeding conducted pursuant to PURA §39.201.
(7) Regulatory assets--The generation-related portion of the Texas jurisdictional portion of the amount reported by the electric utility in its 1998 annual report on Securities and Exchange Commission Form 10-K as regulatory assets and liabilities, offset by the applicable portion of generation-related investment tax credits permitted under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
(8) Residential market price of electricity--The volume-weighted average price, less average nonbypassable charges (each expressed in cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh)), calculated by the independent third party for residential electric service provided by non-affiliated retail electric providers and non-provider of last resort (POLR) service providers competing in the TDU region. The price determined by the independent third party shall be based upon pricing disclosures pursuant to §25.475(e) of this title (relating to Information Disclosures to Residential and Small Commercial Customers) and other information provided to the independent third party.
(9) Residential net price to beat--The average residential PTB rate (expressed in cents per kWh) less the average nonbypassable charges (expressed in cents per kWh) applicable to residential customers.
(10) Small commercial market price of electricity--The volume-weighted average price, less average nonbypassable charges (each expressed in cents per kWh), calculated by the independent third party for small commercial electric service provided by non-AREPs and non-POLR service providers competing in the TDU region. The price determined by the independent third party shall be based upon pricing disclosures pursuant to §25.475(e) of this title and other information provided to the independent third party.
(11) Small commercial net price to beat--The average small commercial PTB rate (expressed in cents per kWh) less the average nonbypassable charges (expressed in cents per kWh) applicable to small commercial customers.
(12) Transferee corporation--A separate affiliated or non-affiliated company to whom an electric utility or its APGC transfers generation assets.
(13) Transmission and distribution utility (TDU)--A transmission and distribution utility that, pursuant to PURA §39.051, is the successor in interest of an electric utility certificated to serve an area.
(14) Transmission and distribution utility region (TDU region)--The affiliated transmission and distribution utility's service territory.
(d) Obligation to file a true-up proceeding.
(1) Each TDU, its APGC, and its AREP shall jointly file a true-up application pursuant to subsection (e) of this section.
(2) Each TDU that is a successor in interest of any utility that was reported by the commission to have positive ECOM, denoted as the "base case" for the amount of stranded costs before full retail competition in 2002 with respect to its Texas jurisdiction in the April 1998 Report to the Texas Senate Interim Committee on Electric Utility Restructuring entitled "Potentially Strandable Investment (ECOM) Report: 1998 Update," and such TDU's, APGC's, and AREP's, shall file the true-up application as required by subsections (f) - (k) of this section.
(3) All TDUs not described in paragraph (2) of this subsection, their APGCs, and their AREPs shall file the applications required by subsections (h) and (j) of this section.
(e) True-up filing procedures.
(1) Each TDU, APGC, and AREP shall file all testimony and schedules on which they intend to rely for their direct case in accordance with the true-up filing package prescribed by the commission.
(A) Within 20 calendar days of the filing of a true-up application, commission staff or any intervenor may file a motion stating that the filing is materially deficient. Any such motion shall include a detailed explanation of the claimed material deficiencies.
(B) If the presiding officer determines that an application is materially deficient, the TDU, APGC, and AREP shall correct the deficiencies within 30 calendar days. The deadline for final commission order shall be extended day for day from the date of initial filing until the corrections are filed with the commission.
(2) At least 90 days prior to the filing of the first true-up application scheduled by the commission, a utility's APGC shall file a notification of intent with the commission if it intends to utilize PURA §39.262(i) to determine the amount of its stranded costs for nuclear assets.
(3) The commission may initiate a generic proceeding to determine true-up issues that are common to multiple TDUs, APGCs, and AREPs. This proceeding may include updates to the ECOM model required by subsection (f)(2)(B) of this section, in the event a notification of intent is filed pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection. The commission may order further updates to any order approved in a generic proceeding pursuant to this section for any utility whose customers are not offered competition on January 1, 2002.
(4) As part of the true-up proceeding, the commission shall make a determination with respect to whether the TDU, the APGC, and the AREP have complied with PURA §39.252(d). If the commission finds that the TDU, the APGC, or the AREP have failed, individually or in combination, to fully comply with their obligations under PURA §39.252(d), the commission may reduce the net book value of the APGC's generation assets or take other measures it deems appropriate in the true-up proceeding filed under this section. In making a determination as to compliance with PURA §39.252(d), the commission shall not substitute its judgment for a market valuation of generation assets determined under PURA §39.262(h) or (i).
(5) The State Office of Administrative Hearings shall employ expedited procedures during discovery in the true-up proceedings.
(6) The commission shall issue the final order for each proceeding filed under this section not later than the 150th day after the filing of a complete, non-deficient application. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, the 150-day deadline may be extended by the commission for good cause.
(f) Quantification of market value of generation assets.