After completion of the authorizations and agreements described in §259.207(c) of this division (relating to Pre-Placement Activities), a support family, an LAR, and the support family agency or continued family agency must:
(1) participate in the service planning team meeting described in §259.65(a)(1) of this chapter (relating to Development of an Enrollment IPC) in which the service planning team:
(A) develops a transition plan;
(B) includes SFS or CFS on the proposed enrollment IPC; and
(C) develops an IPP for SFS or CFS;
(2) provide copies of the agreements and authorizations listed in §259.207(c) of this division to the case manager;
(3) train the support family to provide SFS or CFS as described on the IPP; and
(4) assume the responsibility for moving the individual and the individual's possessions into the support family home.
Source Note: The provisions of this §259.209 adopted to be effective January 30, 2023, 48 TexReg 362