(a) Purpose. The purposes of this section are to:
(1) Deter market power abuses and anticompetitive behavior by increasing wholesale market transparency with respect to bilateral contracts for delivery of electricity; and
(2) Improve the commission's ability to investigate allegations of market power abuse and anticompetitive behavior that may arise with respect to the wholesale electricity market.
(b) Application.
(1) This section applies to any person, municipally owned utility, electric cooperative and river authority that owns electric generation facilities and offers electricity for sale in this state. This section also applies to power marketers as defined in §25.5 of this title (relating to Definitions).
(2) This section applies to all wholesale transactions for the sale of electricity that begin or terminate in Texas, or occur entirely within Texas, including areas of the state not served by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT).
(c) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context indicates otherwise:
(1) Contract--An agreement for the wholesale provision of energy or capacity under specified prices, terms, and conditions. A contract governs the financial aspects of an electricity transaction.
(2) Full Report--A Wholesale Transaction Report that contains all information required by this rule including information that the Wholesale Seller of Electricity claims is confidential or Protected Information. If the Wholesale Seller of Electricity does not claim confidentiality or Protected Information status for any of the information in its Full Report then the Full Report will be treated as a Public Report.
(3) Transaction--The provision of a specific quantity of energy or the commitment of a specific amount of generating capacity for a specific period of time from a wholesale seller of electricity to a customer, whether pursuant to a contract, a market operated by an independent organization as defined in the Public Utility Regulatory Act §39.151(b), or any other provision of electricity or commitment of reserve capacity.
(4) Protected information--Information contained in a Wholesale Electricity Transaction Report that comports with the requirements for exception from disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act (TPIA).
(5) Public Report--A Wholesale Transaction Report that contains all information required by this rule except information that the Wholesale Seller of Electricity claims is confidential or Protected Information.
(6) Wholesale seller of electricity--Any power generation company, power marketer, municipally owned utility, electric cooperative, river authority, or other entity that sells power at wholesale.
(d) Wholesale Electricity Transaction Reports.
(1) Wholesale sellers of electricity shall retain information related to all wholesale electricity transactions with a point of delivery or point of receipt in Texas, including intermediate transactions involving electricity generated in Texas or electricity ultimately delivered to customers in Texas, and file with the commission, within 45 days of a request by the Executive Director or the Executive Director's designee, information related to all wholesale electricity transactions, or a requested subset of this information, for a specified period of time. Wholesale sellers of electricity shall retain information related to all wholesale electricity transactions for three years, as specified in §25.503 of this title (relating to Oversight of Wholesale Market Participants). Nothing in this section limits the ability of the commission to obtain information, or the deadline for an entity to provide information, pursuant to an investigation, contested case proceeding, or any other rule.
(2) Reports shall provide contact information for the reporting entity, information on each wholesale electricity contract, and information on each transaction of electricity from the reporting entity to another party.
(A) Contact information shall include company name, address, telephone number, and facsimile machine number, if available; name, position, and telephone number of person attesting to the report; and the time period covered by the report.
(B) Each wholesale seller of electricity must file information on each contract for electricity that is in effect during the reporting period, including those that will continue to be in effect past the end of the reporting period. Information shall include the name of purchaser, contract execution and termination dates, time period over which the contract is in effect, product type, price, and applicable information about where the power was generated, delivered, and received.
(C) Each wholesale seller of electricity must file information on each transaction. Information shall include the time period over which the transaction was conducted; applicable information about where the power was generated, delivered, and received; product name; transaction quantity; price; total transaction charges; and cross-reference to a contract reported under subparagraph (B) of this paragraph. If the period of a transaction extends outside of the reporting period, the report shall include only the portion of the transaction that occurred during the reporting period.
(D) Reporting parties may aggregate the following types of transactions:
(i) A municipally owned utility may aggregate data on the portion of its generation that it used to serve its native load. The aggregated number should be in total MWh for the reporting period, and need not include price.
(ii) A generation cooperative may aggregate data on cost-based sales to a distribution cooperative. The aggregated number should be in total MWh sold to each distribution cooperative for the reporting period, and need not include price.
(iii) A river authority may aggregate data on cost-based sales to a wholesale customer. The aggregated number should be in total MWh sold to each wholesale customer for the reporting period, and need not include price.
(iv) A qualifying facility may aggregate data on sales of electricity to a wholesale customer. The aggregated number should be in total MWh sold to each wholesale customer for the reporting period, and need not include price.
(v) Any reporting entity may aggregate data on sales of electricity or capacity to an independent system operator for balancing energy service, ancillary capacity services, or other services required by the independent system operator. This subparagraph includes sales by an entity that is qualified to sell the reporting entity's capacity and electricity to the independent system operator. The aggregated number should be in total MWh provided under each type of service for the reporting period, and need not include price.
(e) Filing procedures. Wholesale sellers of electricity shall file the Wholesale Electricity Transaction Reports using forms, templates, and procedures approved by the commission. The commission may also approve the use of forms and templates issued by federal agencies for reporting information similar to that required under this section. Reports shall be filed according to §22.71 of this title (relating to Filing of Pleadings, Documents and Other Materials) and §22.72 of this title (relating to Formal Requisites of Pleadings and Documents to be Filed with the Commission) except as specified in this subsection.
(1) A Full Report shall be submitted on standard-format compact disks (two copies) without a paper hard copy.
(2) If a Full Report is filed containing information that the Wholesale Seller of Electricity claims is confidential or is Protected Information, a Public Report shall also be submitted on standard-format compact disks (two copies).
(3) Information required under subsection (d)(2)(A) of this section along with attestations and other necessary documents shall be filed in hard copy form (two copies).
Source Note: The provisions of this §25.93 adopted to be effective September 8, 2003, 28 TexReg 7687; amended to be effective September 19, 2004, 29 TexReg 8991; amended to be effective November 21, 2011, 36 TexReg 7863