
Sec. 261.053. Disclosure to Affected Dentist.

Sec. 261.053. DISCLOSURE TO AFFECTED DENTIST. (a) Disclosure to the affected dentist of confidential peer review committee information pertinent to the matter under review does not waive the confidentiality provisions of this chapter.

(b) If a dental peer review committee takes action that may result in censure or a license suspension, restriction, limitation, or revocation by the board or in the denial of membership or privileges in a health care entity, the committee shall give the affected dentist:

(1) a written copy of the recommendation of the committee; and

(2) a copy of the final decision, including a statement of the basis for the decision.

Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 388, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1999.

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