(a) Scope and purpose. This section applies to the certification of a person or entity to provide local exchange telephone service, basic local telecommunications service, and switched access service as holders of certificates of operating authority (COAs) and service provider certificates of operating authority (SPCOA) established in the Public Utility Regulatory Act (PURA), Chapter 54, Subchapters C and D.
(b) Definitions.
(1) Affiliate--An affiliate of, or a person affiliated with, a specified person, is a person that directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the person specified.
(2) Annual Report--A report that includes, at a minimum, the certificate holder's primary business telephone number, toll-free customer service number, email address, authorized company contact, regulatory contact, complaint contact, primary and secondary emergency contacts and operation and policy migration contacts which is submitted to the commission every calendar year. Each provided contact must include the contact's company title.
(3) Application - An application for a new COA or SPCOA certificate or an amendment to an existing COA or SPCOA certificate.
(4) Control--The term control, including the terms controlling, controlled by and under common control with, means the power, either directly or indirectly through one or more affiliates, to direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of a person, whether through ownership of voting securities, by contract, or otherwise.
(5) Executive officer--When used in reference to a person, means its president or chief executive officer, a vice-president serving as its chief financial officer, or a vice-president serving as its chief accounting officer, or any other officer of the person who performs any of the foregoing functions for the person.
(6) Facilities-based certification--Certification that authorizes the certificate holder to provide service using its own equipment, unbundled network elements, or E9-1-1 database management associated with selective routing services.
(7) Permanent employee--An individual that is fully integrated into the certificate holder's business. A consultant is not a permanent employee.
(8) Person--An individual and any business entity, including a limited liability company, a partnership of two or more persons having a joint or common interest, a mutual or cooperative association, but does not include a municipal corporation.
(9) Principal--A person or member of a group of persons that controls the person in question.
(10) Shareholder--As context indicates and the applicable business entity requires, the legal or beneficial owner of any of the equity in a business entity, including , stockholders of corporations, members of limited liability companies and partners of partnerships.
(c) Ineligibility for certification.
(1) An applicant is ineligible for a COA or SPCOA if the applicant is a municipality.
(2) An applicant is ineligible for a COA if the applicant has not created a proper separation of business operations between itself and an affiliated holder of a certificate of convenience and necessity, as required by PURA §54.102.
(3) An applicant is ineligible for an SPCOA if the applicant, and affiliates of the applicant, in the aggregate have more than 6.0% of the total intrastate switched access minutes of use as measured for the most recent 12-month period.
(4) The commission will not grant an SPCOA to a holder of a:
(A) CCN for the same territory; or
(B) COA for the same territory.
(d) Application for COA or SPCOA certification. A person or entity is prohibited from providing local exchange telephone service, basic local telecommunications service, or switched access service unless the person or entity obtains a certificate of convenience and necessity in accordance with §26.101 of this title (relating to Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Criteria), or a certificate of operating authority or a service provider certificate of operating authority in accordance with this section.
(1) An applicant for COA or SPCOA certification must demonstrate the capability of complying with this section. An applicant who obtains a COA or SPCOA, or who receives a certificate under this section must maintain compliance with this section.
(2) An application must be made on the form prescribed by the commission, verified by oath or affirmation, and signed by an executive officer of the applicant.
(3) Except where good cause exists to extend the time for review, the presiding officer must issue an order finding whether the application is deficient or complete within 20 days of filing. Deficient applications, including those without necessary supporting documentation, will be rejected without prejudice.
(4) While an application is pending, an applicant must inform the commission of any material change in the information provided in the application within five working days of any such change.
(5) Except where good cause exists to extend the time for review, the presiding officer will enter an order approving, rejecting, or approving with modifications, an application within 60 days of the filing of the application.
(6) While an application is pending, an applicant must respond to any request for information from commission staff within ten days after receipt of the request by the applicant.
(e) Standards for granting certification to COA and SPCOA applicants. The commission may grant a COA or SPCOA to an applicant that demonstrates eligibility in accordance with subsection (c) of this section, has the technical and financial qualifications required by this section, has the ability to meet the commission's quality of service requirements to the extent required by PURA and this title, and the applicant and its executive officers and principals do not have a history of violations of rules or misconduct such that granting the application would be inconsistent with the public interest. In determining whether to grant a certificate, the commission will consider whether the applicant has satisfactorily provided the information required under this section in the application.
(f) Financial requirements. To obtain COA or SPCOA certification, an applicant must demonstrate shareholders' equity as required by this subsection.
(1) To obtain facilities-based certification, an applicant must demonstrate shareholders' equity of not less than $100,000. To obtain resale-only or data-only certification, an applicant must demonstrate shareholders' equity of not less than $25,000.
(2) For the period beginning on the date of certification and ending one year after the date of certification, the certificate holder must not make any distribution or other payment to any shareholders or affiliates if, after giving effect to the distribution or other payment, the shareholders' equity of the certificate holder is less than the amount required by this paragraph. The restriction on distributions or other payments contained in this paragraph includes dividend distributions, redemptions and repurchases of equity securities, loans, or loan repayments to shareholders or affiliates.
(3) Shareholders' equity must be documented by an audited or unaudited balance sheet for the applicant's most recent quarter. The audited balance sheet must include the independent auditor's report. The unaudited balance sheet must include a sworn statement from an executive officer of the applicant attesting to the accuracy, in all material respects, of the information provided in the unaudited balance sheet.
(g) Technical and managerial requirements. To obtain COA or SPCOA certification, an applicant must have and maintain the technical and managerial resources and ability to provide continuous and reliable service in accordance with PURA, commission rules, and other applicable laws.
(1) To obtain facilities-based certification, an applicant must have principals, consultants or permanent employees in managerial positions whose combined experience in the telecommunications industry equals or exceeds five years. To obtain resale-only or data-only certification, an applicant must have principals or permanent employees in managerial positions whose combined experience in the telecommunications industry equals or exceeds one year.
(2) To support technical qualification, an applicant must provide the following documentation: the name, title, number of years of telecommunications or related experience, and a description of the experience for each principal, consultant and/or permanent employee that the applicant will rely upon to demonstrate the experience required by paragraph (1) of this subsection.
(3) An applicant must include the following in its application for COA or SPCOA certification: